Widescreen Gaming Forum

TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!
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Author:  jempe [ 16 Oct 2007, 22:49 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!


This forum is amazing, it gave me many solutions for 16:10 gaming!! THX

But now, I have another pb...

I own the th2goD and since the beginning I cannot go higher than 800*600 each screen.
At the beginning, I thought it was because I use 4 screens, so I disconnected my 1680*1050 LCD , but the problem stayed the same: when I choose more than 800*600, powerdesk asks me to validate the change but nothing happens!

Actually, "matrox support" cannot say me what is the problem... Have you an idea?

Technical spec:
-windows XP, DX9
-xp 2800+, 1Go ram, 7800GT with dual-link DVI.
-TH2goD connected the GC with the dual link DVI provided.
-3 DVI lcds connected on th2go with single link DVI.
-1 lcd 1680*1050 on the other connection of the graphic card.

Here is my computer setup:


Author:  Peter_ [ 16 Oct 2007, 23:28 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

Amazing setup!!!

Have you tried to reinstall the drivers of the monitors?

Another option is to force the resolution by Control Panel.

At the NVIDIA's site I have found an information about max resolution:

# Dual integrated 400MHz RAMDACs for analog display resolutions up to and including 2048x1536 at 85Hz
# Dual-link DVI capability to drive the industry's largest and highest resolution digital flat panel displays up to 2560x1600


A hug,


Author:  Mesh [ 17 Oct 2007, 00:40 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

pixel wise 2560*1600 has more than th2g's 3840*1024, and it's actually based off a single monitor from a dual-link cable spec. the card itself should work fine.

have you tried the dual2go modes and see if those work? like just 2 monitors used.

Author:  bandito [ 17 Oct 2007, 07:26 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

The 400MHz RAMDAC can push more pixels than DL-DVI.. if you reduce the refresh rate to 60Hz.. and use reduce blanking...

Besides DH2Go D and TH2Go D can push more pixels than 2560x1600... as both support 3840x1200pixels... the later also uses DL-DVI to push digital info.

Author:  jempe [ 17 Oct 2007, 08:27 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

Thanks for the advices, I'll try to do dual mode as the first step of my investigations...

Another question: Is it possible to do 1680*1050 + 3840*1024? And if it is, with which setup?

Author:  Mesh [ 17 Oct 2007, 11:00 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

output1 to th2g and output2 to 1680x1050 monitor should do that, it won't join em for 3d games and such though, just desktop. windows will still see 2 monitors.

Author:  [email protected] [ 18 Oct 2007, 06:34 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

I have the same problem, I though it was my 6600GT DVI output.

Author:  bandito [ 18 Oct 2007, 12:02 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

I don't believe 6600gt supports DL-DVI... unless specified by card producer/maker.. not all 7800gt have DL-DVI output too..

Output from DH2Go and TH2Go have to be the same/identical resolution

Author:  Guns4Hire [ 18 Oct 2007, 22:57 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

I like that desk! What brand name is it? Been looking for a new desk. I have an L shaped one that Ive had since `99. Looking to replace it.

Author:  refugee_x [ 19 Oct 2007, 20:00 ]
Post subject:  TH2GO digital cannot get more than 2400*600 en 7800GT?!

id try switchin video outputs around
i had something similar happen to me

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