Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?
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Author:  Vroshnak [ 26 Jul 2007, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

I just picked up "Dark Messiah of Might and Magic"... it doesn't seem to support TH2Go. Anyone know something different?

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 26 Jul 2007, 18:18 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

Our MGL states it's supported by the Matrox SGU.

Author:  Vroshnak [ 27 Jul 2007, 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

Oops, I usually just look in the forum.

With the tool I get the correct resoultion but I can only play about 3 minutes before crashing to desktop. Guess I'll still with regular widescreen on this one.

Author:  RichieG [ 29 Jul 2007, 04:33 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

Hi Vroshnak,

Turn off AA if you enabled it. I played the whole game in Surround mode so I know it should work unless they released a patch that is causing some problems.

Author:  Vroshnak [ 31 Jul 2007, 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

Yep, that worked for me. AA didn't crash me in single monitor, just surround.

Author:  JazW [ 31 Jul 2007, 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

My 2p worth - I played it all the way through 4 or 5 times in surround, with 4x AA on, with no crashing...

Also, you shouldnt need that fugly Matrox app to use widescreen modes - In all source engine games, if you change the aspect ratio to 16:9 all the TH2Go resolutions should then be available?

DMoMM = BEST first-person sword & sorcery game EVAR!

Author:  Vroshnak [ 01 Aug 2007, 12:57 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

No, I had to use the Matrox app to make the triple modes appear, even when I choose 16:9 aspec ratio.

The best ever? Nah. "Stonekeep" and "Dungeon Hack" are better, and they're over 10 years old each. Though DMoMM sure is pretty, and Xana's voice was hot.

Author:  wazoo [ 01 Aug 2007, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

My 2p worth - I played it all the way through 4 or 5 times in surround, with 4x AA on, with no crashing...

Also, you shouldnt need that fugly Matrox app to use widescreen modes - In all source engine games, if you change the aspect ratio to 16:9 all the TH2Go resolutions should then be available?

DMoMM = BEST first-person sword & sorcery game EVAR!

I *wanted* to really love this game.... but it got EXTREMELY repetitive IMHO.

I got so bored with it that I never made it all the way through which is rare for me in a FPS.

Author:  JazW [ 01 Aug 2007, 17:30 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

I found this to be one of the more innovative games to come out for a long time. Once I got over the rather steep learning curve, I really got into the melee combat / physics system!

Also love the way you can one-hit decapitate things's if you get the angle between the neck and shoulder just right with a power attack! :P


After completing it as a pure melee guy, I did it again as a spell-sword-ranger multiclass kind of guy which worked out pretty well, then again as a pure mage (Which sucked the most of any "class"! I found myself constantly running out of mana and having to flail away with a sword - until I finally saved enough skill points to train the mana regeneration skill - just in time to finish the last few levels), then just to be a completest I finished it one last time as a pure thief.

Author:  wazoo [ 01 Aug 2007, 19:25 ]
Post subject:  Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?

I too was impressed by the physics (which is why I *LOVED* HL2), but once you figure out that the all-powerful foot is the best way to disposed of enemies, it became kick-rinse-repeat.

That, linked with a lack of any coherent storyline made it, again IMHO, boring.

Not that I won't buy the next one as I am hopeful that it will be better cause I feel that DMoMM had tremendous potential and I applaud them for doing something somewhat innovative.

Gotta say though.... I liked STALKER *much* more... :)

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