Widescreen Gaming Forum

Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.
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Author:  Alphabum [ 28 May 2007, 03:59 ]
Post subject:  Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.

I have a chance to trade in my 1920x1080 ( 1080p ) Sony 46 Inch XBR3 LCD Monitor for 3 Major Known Brand Name, 50 Inch 720p Plasmas. This is primarily used for playing video games. I was wondering whether this would be a good deal for me. Also was wondering if the Matrox TH2G would support this, and if it would look good. Thanks for all your time and help. Happy Memorial Day !!


Author:  wphan [ 28 May 2007, 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.

if its primarily for gaming, i wouldnt suggest it unless you know how to properly manage and break in a plasma tv. then you always have to worry about the burn-in problems slightly after still. if they are 720p then the matrox would probably not support the native resolution of the tvs and im guessing would have to scale from triple 1280x720 but it should work. plasma vs lcd is really your call especially when your getting 3 for your 1.

Author:  JKeefe [ 29 May 2007, 17:19 ]
Post subject:  Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.

Uh, 720p is 1280x720, is it not?

Author:  urban1 [ 29 May 2007, 22:53 ]
Post subject:  Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.

Although it would be awesome, and im pretty sure the th2go does support 720p aswell, i dont think plasmas are that great for gaming, as they suffer from screen burn, and you are bound to get the same image shown for a long time when your gaming (huds and stuff)

there was something like this setup on last weeks episode of 24 in the uk
where the vice president was talking to the russian president, looked amazing

Author:  bandito [ 30 May 2007, 06:44 ]
Post subject:  Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.

Get another 1080p 46 incher LCD and a TH2Go digital for a dual display setup of 3840x1080p display... (3840x1200p is supported... so 2x1080p should be able to be hacked to do so.)

Author:  wphan [ 30 May 2007, 07:23 ]
Post subject:  Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.

i thought most 720p tvs were 1368x768 or something like that

Author:  bandito [ 30 May 2007, 07:33 ]
Post subject:  Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.

i thought most 720p tvs were 1368x768 or something like that

mostly are 1366x768 actually (LCD certainly, Plasma varies).. but most pc input only allow 1360x768 input. Some plasmas are actually 1280x720 pixels.. some even stretch the horizontal pixel by using 1020x720 in a 16:9 format....

Author:  JKeefe [ 30 May 2007, 16:37 ]
Post subject:  Question for everyone, need to make decision by wednesday.

Get another 1080p 46 incher LCD and a TH2Go digital for a dual display setup of 3840x1080p display... )3840x1200p is supported... so 2x1080p should be able to be hacked to do so.)

1. If you want to run dual displays, you don't need a TripleHead2Go. Just horizontal span your desktop.

2. While 3840x1280 (not 1200) is supported, 3840x1080 is not. It cannot be "hacked", or at least no one has spoken of means to do so. The only triple widescreen resolutions offered by the TripleHead2Go are 3840x768 and 3840x720. The Digital TripleHead2Go will offer 3840x800.

I was unaware most 720p HDTVs were actually 1366x768. If you can get true 1280x720 screens, though, then three of them, 50" each, should look amazing in triplehead...

Author:  skipclarke [ 04 Mar 2009, 00:36 ]
Post subject:  ATI now support 5040x1050?


Author:  skipclarke [ 06 Mar 2009, 14:20 ]
Post subject:  ATI now support 5040x1050?

No ATI owners left to confirm this?!

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