Widescreen Gaming Forum

Double Triple Possible
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Author:  Phobos [ 16 Mar 2007, 18:21 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

I just want to let you guys know that it is possible to hook up two TH2G to a single gpu (used a 6800). I had 2 of them hooked up to 6 projectors, then used nVidia's horizontal span to make it appear to be a single 6144x768 display (6x (1024x768)) Google Earth crashed when trying to full screen across it. Using vertical span to make a 3072x1536, Google Earth was able to work.

This is not my personal setup, I wish, it's for a class project.

Author:  starfighter [ 16 Mar 2007, 19:28 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

Is see no way to get it to work with 6 monitors :(

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 16 Mar 2007, 19:33 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

@ Phobos ... any chance of a photo or two ?

Author:  JKeefe [ 19 Mar 2007, 16:19 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

If you're not going to game but you want 6 monitors, why not just hook them up to 3 graphics cards?

Author:  Phobos [ 19 Mar 2007, 16:33 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

This is the only good shot I got of it. The image is projected onto a 12 foot dome. I'll try to get better pictures next time I work on it, probably Thursday.

Author:  Vroshnak [ 19 Mar 2007, 16:53 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

Ah the Matrox site said it couldn't be done!

Author:  Phobos [ 19 Mar 2007, 20:00 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

Matrox's software may have problems with the setup. I didn't use any of the software, I just plugged them in, restarted the machine, and Windows picked up the supported resolutions.

Author:  Phobos [ 19 Mar 2007, 20:08 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

@ JKeefe- They want 3D rendered across all the displays, not necessarily games, but definitely Google Earth and Celestia.

Author:  RUS007 [ 19 Mar 2007, 21:04 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

Matrox never said that it wasnt posible. All they said is it wasnt supported by them.

How did you project the image on that dome? Are you using 6 projectors?

Author:  Phobos [ 19 Mar 2007, 21:15 ]
Post subject:  Double Triple Possible

Yep, We're using 6 projectors right now, though in that picture only 3 of them are actually shinning on the dome, we need more long vga cables to get more projectors around the dome.

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