Widescreen Gaming Forum

matrox say 'not compatable' to 7600gt agp !!!!
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Author:  glad62 [ 05 Jan 2007, 06:27 ]
Post subject:  matrox say 'not compatable' to 7600gt agp !!!!

I was ready to buy 3 x 19" lcd monitors and triplehead2go, pretty much based on a review i read at flightsim.com.

i tried the 'compatability test' on Matrox's web site and it 'failed' my rig, MUCH TO MY SURPRISE.

I have not been able to get a 'reason' from anybody here in Australia or from anybody associated with Matrox.

I hope you can guide me on this matter.
What a great site you have here and regards from Oz.

nvidia driver 93.71

Fs2004 and FSX enthusiast.

Author:  starfighter [ 06 Jan 2007, 02:38 ]
Post subject:  matrox say 'not compatable' to 7600gt agp !!!!

It should run at SG but the frames rates especially with FSX will be low.
DO you want to use 3 x 1280x1024 ?

Author:  glad62 [ 06 Jan 2007, 06:53 ]
Post subject:  matrox say 'not compatable' to 7600gt agp !!!!

thanx for your response starfighter.

sorry, but not sure what you mean SG!!

Yes, FSX is well known to be a system killer. I find it very playable at 1024 x 728, pretty high settings BUT shut down all auto gen and traffic. I set a max frame rate of 12 and have tweaked a few things in the config file. Its my fealing FSX runs better at low frame rates than the much vaunted 25ish. everybody seems to want.

I would be happy to use fs2004 until i upgrade and believe a resolution next down from the 12xx X 1024 is good. What do you reckon???

Author:  starfighter [ 08 Jan 2007, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  matrox say 'not compatable' to 7600gt agp !!!!

as long as the vga card supports 3840 x1024 SG with Matrox triplehead2 gp will be no problem.

But for this resolution your midrange card is too slow at actual games, so it will run with low performance.

Did I make myself clear?

Author:  JKeefe [ 12 Jan 2007, 22:19 ]
Post subject:  matrox say 'not compatable' to 7600gt agp !!!!

SG = surroung gaming (i.e. Matrox Parhelia or Matrox TripleHead2Go.

starfighter, you are clear, but nothing you've said explains why glad62's systems failed the Matrox compatibility test. I don't understand it myself.

Author:  starfighter [ 17 Jan 2007, 21:27 ]
Post subject:  matrox say 'not compatable' to 7600gt agp !!!!

starfighter, you are clear, but nothing you've said explains why glad62's systems failed the Matrox compatibility test. I don't understand it myself.

I give a s*** about tools called compatibility test, well known is the one for vista.
As long as the GPU is Geforce 6+7 (with enoght memory) and runs with present detonators it will be TH2Go compatible.

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