Widescreen Gaming Forum

Star Wars: Empire at War + Expansion
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Author:  RichieG [ 15 Nov 2006, 22:35 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars: Empire at War + Expansion

Hey All!.

Just wanted your opinion on this title as I am trying to decide if it should be added to the SGU. The resolutions are available in game and there is a Widescreen option that helps the aspect ratio. Problem is the image appears to be a bit stretched and the top and bottom is lopped off. With the zoom out being far enough the game is still very playable in land battle mode. In tactical space mode you can see that there is more of the image missing at the tops and bottom.

Please guys let me know what you think.

Author:  MatroxRulez [ 15 Nov 2006, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars: Empire at War + Expansion

Hi RichieG,

Just by looking at the screenshots, I would say that it's barely compatible.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 16 Nov 2006, 08:34 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars: Empire at War + Expansion

Hi Richie ...
I'd agree with MatroxRulez ... with a game that stretched/cut down it will only get critisized.

Author:  RichieG [ 16 Nov 2006, 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars: Empire at War + Expansion

HI Guys,

Ok that settles it then, thanks for the feedback :-)

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