Widescreen Gaming Forum

Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor
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Author:  jalong [ 28 Jun 2010, 05:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Hi Everyone,

I've been looking for eyefinity info for Alpha Protocol and joined so I can participate in your discussion. As an aside, this site was *very* helpful to me when I first set up my eyefinity a couple of weeks ago. You were the best resource around.

My eyefinity worked "straight out of the box" for Alpha Protocol, with one significant bug. I was looking for info on this bug when I was led to your door once again. :)

I set a group of monitors to 5760 x 1200 (6004 x 1200 with bezel comp), launched EF and it came up perfectly with the overlay perfect in the middle screen. However, the mouse was squished into a sliver and I couldn't select anything with it. What was more frustrating was the menus worked OK with arrow keys, enter and ESC EXCEPT for changing resolution or selecting your character stats. So, I set the game to 1920 x 1200 with EF OFF in the apengine.ini, still using a grouped set of monitors, went through the character setup at that resolution until I got to the first save point. I then deleted the apengine.ini and the game came up perfectly. It also worked perfectly until I needed to turn off a tutorial screen with my mouse and once again I could not select anything with the mouse squished into a sliver. :(

I also found that using the apengine.ini to switch resolutions with the EF = on/off toogle did NOT work. I ended up with screens like many of you were describing early. I spent a bunch of time screwing around with the settings and I've discovered how to get my system, at least, properly configured for EF:
-- set the group with the resolution you desire, eg 2400x600, 5760x1200 etc.
-- delete apengine.ini
-- start the game.

For me, anyways, it always sets up perfectly. I can go back to 1920x1200 with grouped screens by setting a new resolution and toggling the EF to OFF. HOWEVER, I've never been able to get it to go back to the proper EF display by changing the resolutions/EF toggle once I've set the resolution back to 1920x1200. The only way to get EF to work again was to delete the apengine.ini.

Hopefully this will work for some of you. I'd also be very interested if any of you get the "squished mouse" phenomenon.

System specs:

Core I7 930 @ 4.2 GHz
ATI 5970 @ 900/1200
Catalyst 10.6
3 different 24" LCDs that I have somehow managed to line up well!

PS: If someone could tell me how to add attachments I could send screenshots.

Author:  jalong [ 28 Jun 2010, 06:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

As a followup to my previous post, I posted screenshots on the Alpha Protocol tech support forum. Here is the link:



Author:  scavvenjahh [ 28 Jun 2010, 16:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

jalong, where did you get your copy of the game ?

To add screenshots to your posts:
1. upload them somewhere (imageshack.us is ok)
2. use the Direct Links and the image tags, like this:
The board will automatically scale down the pictures if need be.

Deleting APEngine.ini doesn't work for me, but adding your findings to the ones in this post: Possible Major issue in graphics options ...it seems obvious that the guys at Obsidian screwed up and I'm not sure Sega will let them even try to fix the mess. :?

Author:  jalong [ 28 Jun 2010, 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Thanks for your reply scavvenjahh. I bought my copy of AP off steam a couple of days ago.

Author:  StAnToN [ 28 Jun 2010, 20:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

The squished mouse problem is the exact problem im having as well.

Is it worth anyone asking Dave Baumann to help us on this as clearly they are using the eyefinity technology but not properly.

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 08 Jul 2010, 21:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

I've put up a small album from the many, MANY screenshots I've taken of the game using 3x1 Eyefinity. I may add to this album over the next few days or so. I have literally TONS of screenshots!


Author:  Phoenixdancer [ 13 Jul 2010, 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Oh dear... Seems you have the same issue as us all dyre. straits

Your missing the top and bottom of the real view lol

Your actually playing the game with a broken resolution there ....

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 15 Jul 2010, 18:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Indeedy. And yet his menus are centered. :| Headache...

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 16 Jul 2010, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

There really wasn't enough of the whole view missing to be any bother to me. I've completed the game twice now and will revisit it again at some time in the near future.

Someone did post that the reason my menus are centered is due to my use of the 360 Controller during my game play. I have one main reason for using the controller: My older son promised me a XBOX 360 some time ago. And, as of this past Tuesday he fulfilled that promise with a new XBOX 360 S (with the 250 GB HDD.) I've since been playing Red Dead Redemption and enjoying it a LOT! But, having been promised a 360, I knew I'd need to get use to the controller and that's paid off.

However, there's no Eyefinity with the 360 AND, without running the video through my PC, there's no screenshots with it, either. But, the game does look really awesome at 1080p on a single 24 inch LCD. :)

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 16 Jul 2010, 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Alpha Protocol - Not Multi monitor

Back on topic, I too have a 360 pad, and yet my menus are cut-off.

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