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PostPosted: 07 Apr 2010, 19:52 

Joined: 08 May 2009, 23:42
Posts: 26
I don´t have any il2 class to recompile...
If you want send me a private message and give me more information


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2010, 20:38 

Joined: 23 Dec 2009, 23:35
Posts: 6
done :)


 Post subject: Move map and speedbar
PostPosted: 24 Apr 2010, 20:28 

Joined: 30 Jul 2007, 12:38
Posts: 61
I'd like to move the map more to the left or to the right, but there seem to be some invisible borders. Any idea how to do this?

The other problem is not really important to me, but I have seen screenshots, where the speed bar was more left or right (it's cutting half by half by the bezel). How to do this?

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2010, 18:45 

Joined: 23 Jul 2010, 13:28
Posts: 1

I tested Fov changer and its works very nice but I have one problem with the program.
I have a CH's pro throttle and I would want to use the throttle's buttons to change fov but in the program a joystic selection box is grey and I can't use CH's buttons.
I dont know what I would to do.
Can anybody help me ?


PostPosted: 21 Nov 2010, 09:44 

Joined: 21 Nov 2010, 09:35
Posts: 1

First of all, thanks @ San for this great tool for us, widescreen users! :bowdown

I've found out how to fix the issue Metalstar and others encountered.
I had this problem too and looked with Sysinternals' TCPView how IL2 and FovChanger were using the network interface. Here is what I saw:
- IL2 uses IP on port 1711
- FovChanger uses As it was not working, it tried to use something from to

An instant fix is to force IL2 to use IP with this change in the conf.ini:




Hi guys,
a big thank you to ylb for the above fix "host=". It fixed my problem completely.
Now I can see how good San's FOV changers is - very nice - thank you San's.


PostPosted: 09 Jan 2011, 02:13 

Joined: 09 Jan 2011, 02:00
Posts: 2
Hi all,

San, hope your still around and checking up on things. Love the FOV changer it has to be one of the best things to happen to IL-2. One thing I and many of my squad members have noticed is that your program seems to freak out a little from time to time. It starts continually zooming in and while I believe you have mentioned this issue in some of the reading I have been doing, restarting the FOV changers doesn't always seem to fix the problem for the current mission one happens to be on. Usually the issue is gone on the next mission but when you are online or playing in co-ops this occasional glitch for lack of a better term will pretty much put you out of contention for that round of play. I've sure you are a very busy person but if this minor issue could be resolved by you or if the source code was available so that someone else who had the time could look into it we'd all be singing your praises even louder then we already do. If this could be fixed your program would be 110% percent complete and perfect. Once again though we would really love to see this fixed if at all possible.

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2011, 02:24 

Joined: 09 Jan 2011, 02:00
Posts: 2
P.S. The above mentioned FOV glitch is still occurring in stock 4.10 without the 6DOF mod. You mentioned in the troubleshooting section of your FOV instructions that this glitch was 6DOF related but this doesn't seem to be the case. Your thoughts please.

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2011, 21:01 

Joined: 16 Jan 2011, 20:43
Posts: 3
Fantastic tool! Works great with IL2 and 3 wide screens (ATI 5770 Eyefinity). Only one little problem - centre screen is perfect but the 2 side screens are a little stretched and distorted. Anyone else encounter this?

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2011, 10:58 

Joined: 10 Apr 2010, 00:55
Posts: 11
Love the IL-2 FOV Changer, works perfectly ! I use 110 for a 17" portrait 24" landscape 17" portrait set up.

Also, for anyone frustrated with trying to get IL-2 working, check my post on the SoftTH forum [url]http://www.kegetys.net/forum] and the accompanying video link for some help getting this classic sim up and running in triple wide.

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2011, 14:28 

Joined: 28 Sep 2011, 13:35
Posts: 3
I need some help with IL2 1946 and San's IL2 FOV Changer.

I started playing IL2 in XP SP3 and then in a youtube video (made by Ra'Kaan) I saw San's IL2 Fov changer. I went into his site and downloaded version.

I had install that in XP and worked perfectly. For your knowledge I had a Nvidia 8800GTS with 2 monitors connected and had no issues.

Now I have upgraded my graphic card to connect 3 screens, manly for playing IL2 in multi-screen environment. As far as I know, XP don't allow more than 2 monitors per graphic card, so I upgrade my system to windows 7 and I have already 3 monitors working in Windows 7 Ultimate and I'm experience some issues with San's IL2 FOV Changer.

I installed the game and San's program, initial version was 4.07m and San's FOV changer is Beta and the San's FOV Changer doesn't seem to be able to communicate with IL2 and I'm running out of ideas and don't know what to do.

I installed the game and changed conf.ini:


I have configured the IP in San's Programm and check if the port was 1711 also.

This version worked in XP, so this version have DeviceLink.txt in game directory and the name of the process is il2fb.exe.

I have been in several forums looking for a solution and I noticed some guys were having also the same issues as I was. I also tried ylb suggestion and change confi.ini and added host= in [DeviceLink].

I already have tried IL2 - 1946, version 4.07m, 4.08m, 4.09m and 4.10 and San's version, and finally RC.

The San's FOV Changer receive keyboard inputs and I can see in the Debug Tab FOV changing but in the game don't change anything.

I installed also Sysinternals' TCPView to see how IL2 and FOV Changer communicate with each other and I can't see there the IL2fb.exe process although it appear in Windows Task Manager with the correct name il2fb.exe.

I also gave admin privileges to both programs.

I suspect the issue is something about windows 7, but I can't discover what. Can anybody give some clues to resolve this problem?


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