Widescreen Gaming Forum

Star Wars the Old Republic NDA Lifted
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Author:  snuble [ 28 Nov 2011, 10:43 ]
Post subject:  Only real problem is the UI.

Only real problem is the UI. I keep trying to move windows. I really hope they have some code monkey working on this before launch.

The queues will be a showstopper for me. I really wish they had done zone instancing instead of having hundreds of servers. Guess will just have to live with server merges down the road.

Had no real 3 screen issues, seemed to work flawless (apart from ui...) on 3d surround. Not tried with 3d, had some effects from previous 3d gaming that suggest its unhealthy for my middle aged eyes to use 3d glasses for extender periods of time. And this game will be extender periods. Its not a 3 hours a week game. I've bought $49 top rated games with less single player content then the first 10 levels of this game. Even without adding socializing time in game its a huge (and enjoyable) timesink.

Author:  Jmatt110 [ 28 Nov 2011, 12:06 ]
Post subject:  They do have zone instancing.

They do have zone instancing. You couldn't change instances though, so one of our groups had to disband (everyone was on a different instance),

Author:  QuackingPlums [ 28 Nov 2011, 12:10 ]
Post subject:  I finally managed a few hours

I finally managed a few hours of the beta this weekend and am reasonably happy with it. I played SWG up until the battle of Restuss and am finding this to be a nice mix of both WoW and SWG. The story is what always made SWG a better game for me than WoW and I think SWTOR is ticking the right boxes so far.

I *really* don't like the UI though. It looks pretty enough, but I don't get why you would have overlapping windows but not allow me to move them. That's a totally borked UX right there, even before we get to the widescreen issues. I've had a couple of annoying bugs where I've opened up too many windows and the game forgets which one is on top - I wouldn't have even noticed this if I could move them!

Also I haven't been able to take any screenshots using the in-game print-screen key. Is this a deliberate half-assed nerf to prevent NDA leaks or just a driver issue on my part? What are you all using to take screenies?

I am loving the game so far despite still only wandering around the legacy/origin quests for a couple of different classes. Can't wait for this!

Author:  helifax [ 28 Nov 2011, 19:12 ]
Post subject:  Guys!!! yesterday before my

Guys!!! yesterday before my GTX590 died .....I managed to make the UI centered!!!!!!!! it is a very interesting approach:))
Unfortunatelly since my card is KAPUT (still waiting for a new GTX590) and beta is over I cannot properly test it..HOWEVER!!! Once the launch is available on 15th of December I will test is and display the solution here!!;))

So have a little patiance:) (The game is still not out)

Best Regards,

Author:  Racheakt [ 28 Nov 2011, 20:00 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:Guys!!!

Guys!!! yesterday before my GTX590 died .....I managed to make the UI centered!!!!!!!! it is a very interesting approach:))
Unfortunatelly since my card is KAPUT (still waiting for a new GTX590) and beta is over I cannot properly test it..HOWEVER!!! Once the launch is available on 15th of December I will test is and display the solution here!!;))

So have a little patiance:) (The game is still not out)

Best Regards,

Nice. look forward to it.

Author:  EvilEngineer [ 29 Nov 2011, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Well, beta is over.Gotta say

Well, beta is over.
Gotta say I was on the fence before hand about the game. However after playing... yes there are a few minor annoyances with the HUD layout. However nothing was game breaking. If anything we've got an advantage being on multi-mon when it comes to space missions simply because I can cursor out to things off screen to single monitor players and still target them.

As the game runs DX9 level graphics, it's kind of a joke in terms of requirements. Even on maxed settings I averaged 90FPS +. Only real slow down I'd see is if I alt+tab back and forth between the game and something else. The re-rendering of the environment is rather slow. And you will see a progressive detail enhancement of any character interaction... i.e. it starts out crappy but a second or so in it finishes adding the textures. Probably more a local load time issue than anything else. I didn't have it running on my ssd, so there is SATA lag.

Author:  g00seberry [ 30 Nov 2011, 00:22 ]
Post subject:  I have it installed on an SSD

I have it installed on an SSD and there is still lots of texture pop in. Must be a limitation of the engine.

Overall I, too, was impressed with it. I was dead against it when watching the trailers that they released over the past year or so, but actually playing it for the last month has turned me around. I've found it's rewired my brain in terms of how I quest in MMOs. WoW was all about accepting instant quest text and then running to wherever it was on the map. All i looked at was xp/hour and getting that next level as fast as possible.

Now I sit and listen to the story and care about what's happening, and I hardly pay attention to what level I am, or should be, or could be. It's by no means a replacement for pre-CU SWG, which is unmatched in my opinion (housing, vendors, crafting, no levels), but it's got potential.

Author:  EvilEngineer [ 30 Nov 2011, 03:00 ]
Post subject:  eZ wrote:I have it installed

I have it installed on an SSD and there is still lots of texture pop in. Must be a limitation of the engine.

Overall I, too, was impressed with it. I was dead against it when watching the trailers that they released over the past year or so, but actually playing it for the last month has turned me around. I've found it's rewired my brain in terms of how I quest in MMOs. WoW was all about accepting instant quest text and then running to wherever it was on the map. All i looked at was xp/hour and getting that next level as fast as possible.

Now I sit and listen to the story and care about what's happening, and I hardly pay attention to what level I am, or should be, or could be. It's by no means a replacement for pre-CU SWG, which is unmatched in my opinion (housing, vendors, crafting, no levels), but it's got potential.

Yeah, I hardly cared what level I was. I had a blast on the flash point missions, and in the space combat. I didn't really have a chance to play around with the crafting all that much, but it felt kind of like just a filler for something to do with your companion as you were in town.

Author:  lunarfault [ 30 Nov 2011, 20:06 ]
Post subject:  I have been playing this and

I have been playing this and have found that the graphics on the left and right monitor are stretched. The screenshots on the forum do not show that. Perhaps it is a nVidia issue. My biggest beef is the UI. With the UI not being moveable or centered it makes PVP very hard. If the Left, Right, and Bottom taskbar coresponded to ctrl, alt, and shift + numpad it would be much easier. But, as the game the way it is you only have 1 through = and ctrl 1 through = is your companions taskbar.

Author:  Haldi [ 30 Nov 2011, 20:24 ]
Post subject:  oh... so now we can post

oh... so now we can post Videos! Yeeeha


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