Widescreen Gaming Forum

Someone Test StarCraft 2 5760 x 1080 Support and Post Here!
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Author:  fatlazyhomer [ 09 Aug 2011, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Im sure you can still use an

Im sure you can still use an old cracked SC version that is compatible with the mod.

Author:  skipclarke [ 09 Aug 2011, 19:51 ]
Post subject:  *Sigh* nVidia' PR department

*Sigh* nVidia' PR department needs to get there head out there ass and stop developers from calling hardware upgrades cheating,
what next, maybe they will ban all the nVidia GPU's and gaming mice because that's cheating so we will just live in the stone age of 3dfx Voodoo 3.

If they sell me a game that has "nVidia the way it was meant to be played" logo, I expect full feature support including nVidia 3d Surround.

Author:  -Sn1PeR- [ 12 Oct 2011, 05:00 ]
Post subject:  Just in case you all haven't

Just in case you all haven't tried this: The game seems to work perfectly in portrait mode eyefintiy without any modifications. Give it a shot.

I honestly prefer a single monitor for competitive play, but it's still cool none the less.

Author:  claydough [ 03 Nov 2011, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  bump

Still no new news :(
I can't see why we can't at least have single player campaign without the lowest common denominator in
hardware crippling our experience.
I usually don't subscribe to legitimizing piracy cuz i'd rather talented people have jobs if I can afford it. But
since I already bought this game multiple times for family multiplaying fun...
I can't see how I am hurting the industry
( unless promoting 3d surround when research and implementation of as much is hurting the industry's bottom line. in which case, "tuff sh|t" )
I will wait n see, but jes knowing that there is probably a cracked beta that runs fine in multi-monitor while I
suffer with my crippled graphics iz really starting to irk me.

Author:  claydough [ 03 Nov 2011, 20:58 ]
Post subject:  HaYDeN wrote:Does anyone

Does anyone still care about widescreen support for this game? seems like there has been a few reports of banning's so I have not bothered to update it, have had a 1-2 PM's however.

I would prefer to be banned then not have the option to play in surround!
please any updates possible?
I am rewarded for buying multiple copies of this game with this narrow minded bullsh|t!
But that at least gives me LAN fun at home! ( no cheating here! Although everyone does have some korean blood... doesn't seem to help cuz we all still suck :p )

I am guessing that you cannot keep yer game offline forever?
In which case would making an image of my system "freeze" my starcraft account? ( So if a glitch happens that requires me to log - in again to activate, I can instead just load the image to a previous state? )

Sort of love-hate desperate here. ( and still trying to not resort to piracy if pirating a game you have bought multiple times is even possible. )

Between no 3d in Brink, Rage and Battlefield ( and a slew of racing games )
And no NV surround in any RTS 2011 is shaping up to be an infuriating year.

Author:  Downtown1 [ 06 Nov 2011, 19:36 ]
Post subject:  I can see extra surround

I can see extra surround being unfair for competitive gameplay maybe... but it's not banned in FPSes like Counter-strike 1.6/Source, so I don't see what the big deal is for RTSes. Does having slightly extra map vision really give it that much of an advantage? It's not like there's 3 proper (independent) cameras.

Author:  claydough [ 16 Nov 2011, 00:17 ]
Post subject:  Downtown1 wrote:I can see

I can see extra surround being unfair for competitive gameplay maybe... but it's not banned in FPSes like Counter-strike 1.6/Source, so I don't see what the big deal is for RTSes. Does having slightly extra map vision really give it that much of an advantage? It's not like there's 3 proper (independent) cameras.

Even with the ridiculous price drop of monitors in the past year ditto for the affordable gpu investment now available... And pretending that the few people on this earth who are more impovershed than myself AND are playing starcraft competively? Lets STILL call it cheating. In which case the QQ whining and aggravation would be only "felt" by them for what? A day at the most? Perhaps 3 more times in a year when that person remembers to be petty and envious that day?
Whereas EVERY time I fire up starcraft I feel the infuriating blood boiling crippling immersive foul punishment. Every single time my Starcraft experience is spoiled with agitation. I curse my enemy with some kind of color tv world with only black and white programming dictated by the whims of the lowest common denominator! A pox on all their houses!

I need to go break something...

Author:  ugzz [ 18 Nov 2011, 21:41 ]
Post subject:  one one hand i want to say

one one hand i want to say "this is crazy, next MW / BF servers will start banning people with DPI switching mice! CRAZY!

but on the other hand, look at SC1, having ranked matches and national gaming leagues and such. and in those circles unfair advantage is not cool. and they are hoping SC2 gets the same treatment. and so far, so good. you can watch commentaty on matches and all kinda crap. so its serious business.
But they should still have something in place to allow us the luxutry of doing SINGLE player stuff in ultra-wide modes

Author:  seanstar [ 23 Apr 2012, 16:26 ]
Post subject:  Hithe fix isn't working for


the fix isn't working for me...im assuming because of the ban wave the updates stopped?

no matter what it I set it to, always says cant find resolution..

what about single player game?

my version is 2,1,2,2525

any help would be great.



Author:  Delinquenz [ 19 May 2012, 03:55 ]
Post subject:  Too bad that it doesn't

Too bad that it doesn't support ultra-wide... :(

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