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Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor
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Author:  ViRuS2k [ 03 Mar 2014, 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

ok i understand thanks for the help and a great mod nonetheless :D
just would have been great to have the choices in the mod so that we could select them, does not mean everyone will select them :D fov slider and health bar ect could have been added as just options :D

again though thanks.....

Author:  helifax [ 07 Mar 2014, 00:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

Hmm I don't know if people are still interested in this;))

but I gave it a go at the game and managed to fix it for tripple-wide and hopefully 21:9 too






I will make a plugin in the weekend:)

Best Regards,

Author:  valcan_s [ 07 Mar 2014, 20:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

helifax wrote:
Hmm I don't know if people are still interested in this;))

but I gave it a go at the game and managed to fix it for tripple-wide and hopefully 21:9 too


I will make a plugin in the weekend:)

Best Regards,

Yes for sure, it be awesome if you could add the ability to change the FOV, it is way to close that be MASSIVE if you could add it to your fix(your reg slider that you use), thanks Helifax :rockout:

Author:  ViRuS2k [ 08 Mar 2014, 00:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

very nice :D and yeah add a fov slider would be a sweet bonus :D leon just seems far to close to me dont know why lol

Author:  HaYDeN [ 08 Mar 2014, 02:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

I've added a FOV slider seeing as you chaps are so insistent about it, however from experience the Resident Evil engine is really not designed to be utilizing a high FOV - there may need to be some changes to how the culling and camera zoom in when close to objects operate.


+33 degrees.

Author:  valcan_s [ 08 Mar 2014, 04:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

HaYDeN wrote:
I've added a FOV slider seeing as you chaps are so insistent about it, however from experience the Resident Evil engine is really not designed to be utilizing a high FOV - there may need to be some changes to how the culling and camera zoom in when close to objects operate.


+33 degrees.

Nice, thanks Hayden for looking into the FOV, ah I see that could be an issue the pic looks real good. Well the work you did on FlashBack and culling was pretty pimp I am sure you could find a way :) worst case I guess we will have to live with the FOV, but it is so close(I know stop complaining LOL).

Thanks :rockout:

Author:  prodigalson1 [ 08 Mar 2014, 09:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

whoua good job thank you. can you add fov in resident evil 5 too ?

Author:  valcan_s [ 08 Mar 2014, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

Thanks a million Hayden I can actually play the game now with the FOV slider(set it to 30) before I got motion sickness thank you, the fix OWNS :rockout:

Author:  ViRuS2k [ 09 Mar 2014, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

Amazing work....

on my 29" 21.9 aspect ratio 2560x1080p or hacked 3440x1440 res works great with the fov silder
i can see leons feet now hahahah :D

again thank you this is great :D now i can play the game properly heheh

Author:  prodigalson1 [ 17 Mar 2014, 19:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident evil 4 21/9 - multi monitor

fov slider won't work anymore.

can you look hayden ?

maybe it's update 2.

thank you

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