Widescreen Gaming Forum

Mass Effect 2 Eyefinity w/ Widescreen Fixer r312 + Plugin Crashes
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Author:  markso125 [ 09 Mar 2012, 11:49 ]
Post subject:  I still cant get this to work

I still cant get this to work either I have been trying for a while, got it too work in ME1 and the ME3 preview but every time I try to initialize the fix it crashes. I have the digital delux edition on origins, and I have the latest update on widescreen fixer.
I have tried it for both the Origins/Steam version and for the retail collectors edition, I have tried it windowed, and fullscreen and I have tried every resolution available but so far nothing works. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks for all the work guys. Waiting to get through with 2 before I buy 3.

Author:  markso125 [ 09 Mar 2012, 12:04 ]
Post subject:  Ok sorry about the double

Ok sorry about the double post but I feel really really stupid and I decided I might as well prove it to everyone... apparently Origin doesnt automatically download updates on your games like steam does. And it doesnt have a check for update button like is available on the BF3 tab. All I had to do was download the latest patch to the game here and now it doesnt crash as soon as I start up the fix... but it does have the weird layers on my companions, surprising enough I can see the enemies just fine

oh and here is the link for the latest patch....


Oh and I have been trying to get this game to work for about 2 weeks now, I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it probably 3 times and spent hours trying to find a fix for it...so to be blunt and honest this is what I think about my post above this one....:usesparingly

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