Haha, this game had a crosshair? No wonder I found it so hard to make some of those split second jumps. I thought that was part of the challenge!
In 1 player no cross-hair is doable, in co-op though its hard because there are more pin point shots to make in a split second and more stuff depending on timing.
somebody needs to make a crosshair overlay that will work with all games.
Thing how FRAPS has the FPS counter, and Mumble has the Voip overlay. These give you visual interfaces independant from the game and they work in triplewide.
If somebody just made a ultra simple crosshair program that centers itself that would be super awesome, esp if its easily user modible to put your own crosshair image.
Anybody here have the programing ability to do it? I can photoshop the crosshairs.
It's actually pretty hard to do that, you basically have to post-inject an image on top of the DX framebuffer. It's different for different DX versions, OpenGL versions, etc. From what I understand it's even different game-to-game since you have to be careful not to trip up the global state (saving/restoring the state is too expensive each frame). It's basically almost as much work to do that as it is to create a full in-game overlay (ala Steam or Xfire).
That being said it's certainly an awesome idea and would be a good learning experience.