I haven't had my TH2Go Hooked up for a while, but I got this to work.
Change your desktop resolution to 1680x1050. The open up powerdesk. Go to the place where you setup your screens and resolution within Powerdesk. Then hit the swap window (or swap monitor, cant remember) and keep hitting that till you are on the middle screen. Then save the configuration.
Thank you! That worked. It's the swap monitor option from powerdesk. However, I also physically swapped the monitors on my th2go, so that monitor 1 goes to connector 2, and monitor 2 goes to connector 1. Apparently th2go hardware "remembers" my monitor 1 on the left as the "main" monitor. By swapping the monitors physically and then subsequently do swap monitor on powerdesk to re-adjust, I was able to trick th2go to use my centre monitor as the primary monitor.
In short, now I can have bios loading screen displayed on my centre monitor, as well as all fullscreen single screen apps and games.
Thanks to those who helped!