And I hate to break it to you but games that are specifically console ports won't look a lot better on the PC. Often times the FPS will be a lot worse too (e.g. GTA4). So why wait many months for a PC release (I played AC2 last year already) just to get shafted by the multitude of PC problems?
Performance of GTA4 is in the 15-30s fps with a console, runs like crap in 360 (not 100% for ps3). And Mass Effect on 360 the same.
I don't understand what is being missed here. I said that playing PC at EyeFinity resolutions it's common to get worse FPS than playing at console 720p/1080p resolutions. This should be pretty intuitive even to anyone who thinks about it for a moment. 3X the resolution of course the FPS will be worse.
I don´t think so. Many console games have huge slowdowns, wich you´ll dont have with a decent triplemon rig. And even if there is no slowdown in console, most are locked to 30fps or have dull textures, lack of AA, very low distance of view, ...
For ex, In Dead Space I get more FPS at 7680x1600 in pc (using SoftTh, no eyefinity, using a 285GTX) than xbox360, with more quality too. Most games are way more playable at four+ times the resolution the console and with more quality. In GRID I can play with 51 mininum fps at 4320x900 with 4xAA (with a 8800U), and most of the console ports are the same.
Some have poor optimization, but even that runs way better at higher resolutions in pc than in console, because many console games run pretty bad.