Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 16 Jun 2012, 13:19 

Joined: 16 Jun 2012, 12:23
Posts: 3
Hi folks,
new here, great forum!

I am using the TH2go digital since about two years with an I7-930 / three 22" NEC monitors(scenery) and two 19" for 2D instruments on an ATI 5870.
Resolution is 3 x 1280 x 1024, because the monitors are 60Hz.

I will set up a new I7-3770 PC.

Since my old setup worked great, I did not follow the recent discussions and now looking for the newest drivers I accidentely read, that the newest driver allows a 6 Monitor desktop.
This would allow a close to 180 deg view.

I contacted Matrox support (in Germany) asking if this was tested with the FSX. The answer did not satisfy. One did not mention the FSX but only stated, that themiddle of the desktop would be between monitor three and four.

My PC vendor told me, that they failed setting up 6 single monitors, as soon as they exceeded 7.000 pixel. What "means" that FSX could not expose more than 7.000 pixel at once?

Has anybody tried two TH2gos on one PC (not wideview) either with one or two GPUs.

On my new PC I will use the GTX 680 (4GB vesion), because if the two TH2gos will not work with FSX I will use at least a forth monitor for the CP-side view, and try if a fifth monitor will "work" for the FO side view.

Any idea or experience with two TH2gos?

Thanks in advance



 Post subject: Since there is obvously
PostPosted: 22 Jun 2012, 18:27 

Joined: 16 Jun 2012, 12:23
Posts: 3
Since there is obvously nobody using this setup, what I have investigated in the meantime in brief.
A friend in Swizerland reported that he uses two TH2gos on a 2x3 Monitor setup. What meens, no limitations regarding the Nrs. of monitors nor pixels caused by the FSX.


 Post subject: Since there is obvously
PostPosted: 22 Jun 2012, 18:28 

Joined: 16 Jun 2012, 12:23
Posts: 3
sorry, mistake.

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