Widescreen Gaming Forum

TH2G wont recognize monitor #3
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Author:  Darian [ 05 Jan 2012, 04:13 ]
Post subject:  TH2G wont recognize monitor #3

I was able to do a flight yesterday, FS9 w/TH2G module on, and the frames were a little choppy but it worked. I had my scenery up too high. However today I tried to run a CD it woundlt run the CD while the TH2G was on, and now my monitors are stuck in dual mode. All 3 cables are plugged in but it wont pick up the signal on the third monitor.

Author:  Darian [ 05 Jan 2012, 18:17 ]
Post subject:  Ok i see now the control

Ok i see now the control monitor hides displays that the card doesn't support, not if previous versions did this.

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