Widescreen Gaming Forum

FSX, Triple Head to go and frame rate limiter
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Author:  bradcfii [ 14 Dec 2011, 20:11 ]
Post subject:  FSX, Triple Head to go and frame rate limiter

I have unsuccessfully tried frame rate limiters. They seem sensitive to the number of monitors typically working easily for just one.

Is there a frame rate limiter that works with triple head to go and FSX obviously running three monitors? If so, can you recommend how to setup?

I once saw a post that indicated you need to adjust the FPS variable based on the number of monitors.


Author:  bigzig [ 02 Jan 2012, 06:21 ]
Post subject:  Look here:

Look here: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/357543-nvidia-fps-limiter/

There you find a link to a FPS-Limiter - I use it with TH2G and 3 Monitors.

Can you tell me what kind of Graphic-Card you use? And your TH2G - is it the analog or digital?
I have lot of problems with my analog and the NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GTS (Win7 64Bit). Never had problems with XP before..


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