Widescreen Gaming Forum

5040 x 1050 issue GTX580
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Author:  parksy [ 26 Apr 2011, 06:04 ]
Post subject:  5040 x 1050 issue GTX580

I can set 5040 x 1050 across 3 x Acer 22 " LCD but have this 2 inch vertical black stripe down the left side of each monitor no matter what I do.

I have followed the step by step instructions provide here http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=17827 over and over.

Powerdesk 2.06 ( tried the latest Version also )
Firm 2.3.50
Table 6.61

GTX 580 using driver ( most recent I think )
win 7 64 bit

Anyone please tell me what causes the vertical black stripe ??

I've tried various refresh rates in the Custom resolution Nvidia control panel....is there a magic number for my system ?

Any help appreciated.



Author:  scavvenjahh [ 26 Apr 2011, 08:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5040 x 1050 issue GTX580

What is your exact monitor model ?

Author:  GenericBeing [ 26 Apr 2011, 09:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5040 x 1050 issue GTX580

GTX 580 using driver ( most recent I think )

Hey, I don't know anything about TH2Go so don't take my words for anything. But those are the 266.58 drivers. There are 3 beta and 1 whql (270.61) after that one.

Also as ignorant as I am in this topic I will ask, can it be a bezel correction thing, showing what would be behind the bezels in the actual screens?

I hope you solve your issue, good day. :)

Author:  gonedns [ 26 Apr 2011, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5040 x 1050 issue GTX580

Check my post, maybe its helpfull for you, i have GTX580 with 3x Benq G2200W working fine at 5040x1050.

Author:  parksy [ 26 Apr 2011, 16:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5040 x 1050 issue GTX580

Monitors are all the same

Acer X223w



Author:  parksy [ 26 Apr 2011, 16:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5040 x 1050 issue GTX580

Check my post, maybe its helpfull for you, i have GTX580 with 3x Benq G2200W working fine at 5040x1050.

Thanks for the reply.

I actually have 5040 X 1050 running now....but the issue is the screen in not full, there is a 2-3 inch wide black strip down the left side of each monitor.

I am able to select 5040 x 1050 in both Windows / Displays / Resolution/ AND Powerdesk V 2.06 ( plus latest version when previously installed ) indicates I am running 3 x 5040 x 1050.



Author:  parksy [ 27 Apr 2011, 17:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5040 x 1050 issue GTX580

What is your exact monitor model ?

Acer X223W


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