Widescreen Gaming Forum

Can reach 5040x1050 but not on all games.
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Author:  Axlkilla [ 21 Mar 2011, 01:51 ]
Post subject:  Can reach 5040x1050 but not on all games.

Hi all,

I'm new here, and I already found many of answers to the questions I had.
I discovered 3 screen gaming very recently. I have a Triplehead2GO for now, and 3x 24 Iiyama E2403WS (1920x1200). Problem is I can get 5040x1050 in Cod Black Ops, (for example) but cannot reach it in old Tomb Raider Anniversary. The menu says it's available, but when i chose it, it doesn't change anything , and i remain stuck at 3840 for width. What's the problem? My desktop is in 1680x 1050 x3, and i have (almost) no trouble...

I found the post about this game, and somebody had the same trouble, but i don't get the solution...
Gtx 470 drivers up to date.
3HEad2GO Firware : 2.3.50
Video Table version: 6.61

I got older drivers because I couldn't get 5040 with the most recent ones....

I heard that Matrox will soon release a new update for Triplehead? Really?

Thank you for your help.


Author:  scavvenjahh [ 24 Mar 2011, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Can reach 5040x1050 but not on all games.

The menu says it's available, but when i chose it, it doesn't change anything , and i remain stuck at 3840 for width.
I'm not sure I understand this...

Anyway, TRA requires a specific FOV hack that you can find on the Racer_S Hacks page.
More details in this thread: http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10647

Author:  Axlkilla [ 24 Mar 2011, 20:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Can reach 5040x1050 but not on all games.

Hello scavvenjahh,

Thank you for reply.
Yes, I got the fov hack, thanks to Racer. The problem is not the 3 screen. I can get it.
The problem is resolution.
Max I can get is 3840x1024 at 60Hz 16/9 wide screen.
I cannot have 5040x1050. I read that some users can get 5760x1200 !! I dream of it...how to do? Latests drivers doesn't seem to work fine for me.

GTX 470 updated + triplehead (firmware 2.3.50 ; video table 6.61)


Author:  scavvenjahh [ 26 Mar 2011, 17:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Can reach 5040x1050 but not on all games.

Maybe it's a refresh rate limitation then. I don't have TRA, but some games (Dead Space 1...) require a strictly-60 Hz refresh rate and will not work at TH2G's 59.xxx Hz at 5040. :(

Author:  -=666Protector=- [ 28 Mar 2011, 23:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Can reach 5040x1050 but not on all games.

trA have max resolution about "4000 x some thing" limit of engine- it never worked at true 5040X1050 without stretching
where did you got that info of 5760x1200?

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