Widescreen Gaming Forum

DIY Full Dome How-To
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Author:  BHawthorne [ 12 Feb 2011, 22:15 ]
Post subject:  DIY Full Dome How-To

I ran into this earlier today and it uses the Paul Bourke method of convex security mirror 16:9 projection and a geodesic dome design. Looks reasonably easy enough that about anyone could build it with a local Home Depot near by. It also caught my attention that it's a Microsoft academic supported project. There are things I would do differently from them as far as construction materials (IE: change using cardboard to Masonite and applying screen material to geodesic tiles instead of paint), but the overall dimensions and design is sound. I might just build one of these out on the back porch this spring and alter the design for weatherproofing and portability. :rockout


Author:  Think Again [ 13 Feb 2011, 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY Full Dome How-To

Hi Brad,

this dome is looking good. I`m always wondering though what source material might be used in a dome like this. I can`t imagine that the average PC game or movie will provide a decent result. If they aren`t, what is this dome good for? I also can see my neck aching when constantly looking up.
Can you enlighten me? ;)

Author:  BHawthorne [ 13 Feb 2011, 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY Full Dome How-To

Any 3d engine with unwrapped fisheye camera view. Most planetarium software enables that mode and given a bit of voodoo you could probably get MSFS functional in it too with a bunch of custom camera window slices. X-Plane will also work in it with it's dome mode.

It's definitely not meant for generic use. This is purpose built for a specific use.

Author:  Think Again [ 14 Feb 2011, 09:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY Full Dome How-To

Ok, thanks. It`s not the way to go as a gamer I conclude. Looking forward to your result.


Author:  BHawthorne [ 14 Feb 2011, 17:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY Full Dome How-To

Ok, thanks. It`s not the way to go as a gamer I conclude. Looking forward to your result.


As a generic gamer setup it needs to be circular screen not dome. It has to conform to what most triple-head setups are capable of in-game. Essentially, a generic gaming setup would be like my 180 degree setup. As a plus, they're a heck of a lot easier to build than a dome.

What you need to do is something like 2.66:1-4:1 aspect ratio 120-180 degrees uniform circular arc with 2-3 projectors. This is a bit vague here because it depends upon room size, end use and the number/type of projectors you get. You get outside those specs you fall into the realm of purpose built screens that will only work with 1 or 2 specific games.

Author:  stickygreen [ 02 Mar 2011, 04:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: DIY Full Dome How-To

any links to planetarium software? or any where else that you could recommend the kind of software that can distort the image for the full dome?

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