Widescreen Gaming Forum

SHocking problem!
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Author:  MaxDarklighter [ 25 Dec 2010, 12:56 ]
Post subject:  SHocking problem!

Hi guys! I am not new on the forums and as treapleheader but I have the most un understandible problem!

Today I was trying to switch to 260.99 but fail.

Now I am trying to switch back to 258.96 and have the same problem! After installing new drivers and rebooting the system I can see only Windows 7 loading screen and after this - only black screens (no welcome screen). System is working and booting but no image!

Trying to go to safe mode, reinstalling drivers several times, go back to 197.75 but result is the same!

Than I try to unplug TH2Go and plug just single display and... the same! So I think something wrong with my card or I mess somehow when installing drivers.
Have no restore point befor driver installation.
Now I just can't run my PC (exept safe mode or booting with no drivers :( )
PLZ help!

Author:  MaxDarklighter [ 25 Dec 2010, 13:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: SHocking problem!

So problem is not in resolution that I can't set. Problem is that I can't pass to my desktop after driver installation and rebooting. (single monitor)

Author:  Delphium [ 25 Dec 2010, 13:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: SHocking problem!

How have you got the cabling setup?
Which port on the gfx card is your Matrox box connected to, have you tried switching which port of the graphics card the matrox is connected to?
Do you get anything from the gfx card when you plug monitors directly into the gfx card without the Matrox box?

Author:  MaxDarklighter [ 25 Dec 2010, 14:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: SHocking problem!

How have you got the cabling setup?
Which port on the gfx card is your Matrox box connected to, have you tried switching which port of the graphics card the matrox is connected to?
Do you get anything from the gfx card when you plug monitors directly into the gfx card without the Matrox box?

I try to switch th2go to both dvi ports but nothing.

And to make it more clear - the point is that I can't boot to my desktop (only Win7 loading screen) even with single display connecting directly to gfx card :(

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 26 Dec 2010, 18:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: SHocking problem!

Yikes. How did the 260.99 setup fail exactly ?

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