Widescreen Gaming Forum

World of Warcraft Subtitles with TH2G are too big
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Author:  kryzdafer [ 18 Dec 2010, 10:34 ]
Post subject:  World of Warcraft Subtitles with TH2G are too big

Does anyone else have this problem. I'm playing on 3 24 inch monitors at max resolution,a nd everything is good except for when pepole say something. THey're subtitles take up the whole screen is there a fix for this?

Author:  fuzioninfinity [ 18 Dec 2010, 11:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Warcraft Subtitles with TH2G are too big

This issue happens with all multi-monitor methods in World of Warcraft. There is no fix for the chat bubble size. If you so desire - you can turn of chat bubbles and rely solely on the chatbox, if the chat bubbles are making the game unplayable. You may have noticed that names/nameplates and combat text is very large as well. Nameplates and combat text can be fixed with various mods, such as "Threat plates" and "Scrolling Combat Text", available on WoW Interface and Curse.com.

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