Widescreen Gaming Forum

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Author:  m8ch1n3 [ 14 Jun 2010, 16:05 ]
Post subject:  PLEASE HELP!!!!

I would really appriciate if someone could tell me w/ DualHead2Go
DP Edition will work w/ a HDMI to DisplayPort converter. My notebook only has an HDMI output... Thank you in advance!

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 15 Jun 2010, 21:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: PLEASE HELP!!!!

According to Matrox, you do need a DP output on your graphics card, period. You can use adapters to connect non-DP monitors to TH2G, but not to connect the graphics card to TH2G.

And feel free to use a more specific topic title next time... :wink:

Author:  icemanmelb [ 21 Jun 2010, 14:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: PLEASE HELP!!!!

According to Matrox, you do need a DP output on your graphics card, period. You can use adapters to connect non-DP monitors to TH2G, but not to connect the graphics card to TH2G.

And feel free to use a more specific topic title next time... :wink:

You might want to look at other solutions such as ExpressCard to PCI Express Box + AMD EyeFinity Card/Nvidia Card but that's for another topic.


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