Widescreen Gaming Forum

TH2Go Screen Size??
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Author:  The_Nephilim [ 11 May 2010, 04:44 ]
Post subject:  TH2Go Screen Size??

Hi, I am currently upgrading to a TH2Go 3 Projector setup, I currently use 1 projector and a 45" diagonal Screen..

Now, I was wondering since I am Going to get the screen in ALL 1 Piece. I need to know should I just triple the width of my Current Screen or How do I figure the Screen size I need to have??

I figured just triple the width of my current screen which will make the new Screen 9FT Across.. and 27" high is this going to be correct??

I am using an AR of 4:3..and going to use 3072x768???

Please Help me figure what the Dimensions of the Screen should be??

EDIT: I would also like to know which TH2Go Units I should avoid buying,,ie I have heard that the older Analog units are a little bit buggy??

Author:  MaxDarklighter [ 16 May 2010, 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: TH2Go Screen Size??

I think just triple the width of u'r current screen will be fine!
But for more info ask here: http://nthusim.com/setups
These guys will tell you for sure! :wink:

I am using an AR of 4:3..and going to use 3072x768???

EDIT: I would also like to know which TH2Go Units I should avoid buying,,ie I have heard that the older Analog units are a little bit buggy??

Digital is better but if u'r progectors is using VGA than you can buy any of TH2GO.

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