Widescreen Gaming Forum

What would you do?
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Author:  FighterHayabusa [ 15 Apr 2010, 08:57 ]
Post subject:  What would you do?

My Matrox TH2Go went out, and they want $170 to fix it. The product is decent, but the newest generation of video cards really make it obsolete, and i'm a little upset they won't stand behind the product. My question is: should I just pay to get it fixed or forget about it and use the money on the EVGA step up program and get a GTX480?

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 16 Apr 2010, 03:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you do?

Hard to say, how long are you willing to wait before getting back to gaming? The Drivers will either be out in "...may or when it's done."

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 16 Apr 2010, 06:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: What would you do?

Besides drivers, 3DVS requires 2 NVIDIA cards in SLI, so there is significant cost increase to consider (and I don't even want to think about how much power multiple 480's will draw :shock: ).

$170 stinks, though. Honestly, that should be the new retail price for a TH2Go these days if the product is going to compete at all with the new GPUs. If I were in your shoes I would consider that repair quote my signal to jump to an ATI 58xx card.

I really hope my TH2Go lives long and prospers....

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