Widescreen Gaming Forum

3 Zalman 3D with TH2GO !!!
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Author:  MIGMA [ 03 Nov 2009, 22:52 ]
Post subject:  3 Zalman 3D with TH2GO !!!

[size=18][/size I have 3 Zalman 3 D with 5040x1050@57Hz,with Tri Def
Software and use the interlaced Mode with the polarisation glasses from
Zalman.Google Earth 3 D in Surround is like looking out of a spaceship
window!! I also use the iZ3D Drivers and play GT Legends /GTR Evo.
Is there anyone who knows other stereo Drivers,or have also 3 Zalman?
Or maybe have 3 Zalmans with Nvidia Stereo Driver! :)

Author:  JazW [ 04 Nov 2009, 01:53 ]
Post subject:  3 Zalman 3D with TH2GO !!!

Awesome! I am seriously considering the same setup, but wondered how well it would work...

Whats the quality of the Zalman displays like compared to regular lcd panels?

Nvidia are pretty good about stereoscopic shizzle and are selling their own solution now (http://www.nvidia.com/object/3D_Vision_Overview.html) but this page might interest you.


Author:  scavvenjahh [ 04 Nov 2009, 11:28 ]
Post subject:  3 Zalman 3D with TH2GO !!!

Too bad there's no way to demonstrate this stuff with screenshots or videos :)
Are framerates limited to 28 fps (57/2) in addition to the 5040x525 interlaced resolution, or am I getting it all wrong ?

Author:  MIGMA [ 04 Nov 2009, 14:56 ]
Post subject:  Gaming under 5040x1040@57 in interlace (horizontal)

the framerates by gaming GTLegends on highest settings are between
30 to 40 fps :) the gaming performance is good,the important thing
for me is the realistic view and the feeling comes with 3 D .I use also
a G25 Steering Wheel with a Playseat.
To use the Zalman as a "normal" Display its bring you an average lcd PANEL
with a good quality of colors.

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