Widescreen Gaming Forum

3 monitors with game on 2
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Author:  nanrector [ 30 Oct 2009, 19:30 ]
Post subject:  3 monitors with game on 2

Is it possible for me to have the game World of Warcraft on 2 monitors only and the 3rd right monitor I can keep open for a web browser etc?


Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 30 Oct 2009, 23:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3 monitors with game on 2

Is it possible for me to have the game World of Warcraft on 2 monitors only and the 3rd right monitor I can keep open for a web browser etc?


yes, you have to play WoW in windowed mode though. It's also gonna piss you off to have the bezel in the middle of you game, but i guess that's preference.

Author:  nanrector [ 31 Oct 2009, 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3 monitors with game on 2

yes, you have to play WoW in windowed mode though. It's also gonna piss you off to have the bezel in the middle of you game, but i guess that's preference.

Thanks for the input! However I can find no options to choose a resolution that covers 2 monitors. Just 1 or the 3. If I just pull the game in with current settings to cover the 2 monitors it of course leaves about 6 inches below the game on my monitors in order to keep ratio.


Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 31 Oct 2009, 21:03 ]
Post subject:  3 monitors with game on 2

what are your monitors resolutions? just add the double the X values and you have the res you need. and since you are using the triplehead, those resolutions should be selectable.

Author:  nanrector [ 31 Oct 2009, 21:56 ]
Post subject:  3 monitors with game on 2

what are your monitors resolutions? just add the double the X values and you have the res you need. and since you are using the triplehead, those resolutions should be selectable.

Appreciate your help. I'm not totally knowledgeable in where and what to change though I follow directions quite well. Do I just change it in my WOW video settings? Those don't give me the option I need. I'm at 4320 x 900 wide now. Each of my 3 monitors is 1440 x 900.


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