Widescreen Gaming Forum

Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....
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Author:  naspc [ 22 Oct 2009, 04:37 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

Hello everyone. i recently emailed matrox support asking if windows 7 support is going to be offered. they replied 2 days later saying to check back in 2 weeks. can it be true? the silver lining on the horizon? please i do hope so! :D

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 22 Oct 2009, 06:02 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

A lot of us have been running Win7 for a while now, and the latest NV drivers allow (some of) us to get 5040. What sort of support are were you asking for???

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 22 Oct 2009, 21:15 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

I've been using Win7 from the start with no problems, it runs at 4320x900 with no hickups. What exactly are you asking about support wise.

Author:  Andrew_McP [ 23 Oct 2009, 14:04 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

I'm just in the process of installing Win7 on a spare HD on my games/Triplehead machine and was surprised when all three screens fired up during the later stages of the install process.

Rumours that this OS has been thoroughly beta-tested appear to be accurate. It may even prove to be almost worth the money... well, the pre-launch heavily discounted price anyway. :-)

Andrew McP

Author:  spud101 [ 24 Oct 2009, 16:19 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

I just installed Windows 7 and I can get 3840 x 1024 across 3 monitors but if I just want to use 1 monitor, when I set the resolution to 1280 x 1024 , I get that resolution across all 3 monitors, instead of just the 1.
I have an Nvida 8800GTS card

Any ideas?

Author:  mhlarsen [ 24 Oct 2009, 17:20 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

Anyone running TripleHead2Go with Windows 7 64-bit?


Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 25 Oct 2009, 02:11 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

Anyone running TripleHead2Go with Windows 7 64-bit?


I am, why?

Author:  mhlarsen [ 25 Oct 2009, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

I am considering going from XP 32 to Win 7 64.

And I am currently trying to be sure that I can run my present hardware/software on the new OS, of which TH2Go is very important to me. I have seen some posts of ppl running Win 7 32 but not 64, so thanks for your reply.
Any problems installing TH2Go on Win 7 64?


Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 25 Oct 2009, 07:22 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

works fine for me

Author:  spud101 [ 25 Oct 2009, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Windows 7 Support and Drivers in ....

I am running Windows 7 64 bit from a clean install and the latest Nvidia 191.07 drivers and Powerdesk 2.05 and can get 1280x1024 on 3 screens to work but i can't get 1280 x 1024 to show up on 1 monitor. It's stretched across all 3 monitors. I can't see what I could be doing wrong here.


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