Widescreen Gaming Forum

Anyone looking for triple 22" monitors? (Sale)
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Author:  L2Phantom [ 14 Sep 2009, 16:45 ]
Post subject:  Anyone looking for triple 22" monitors? (Sale)

Have 3 * Samsung 2253BW monitors that work @ 5040x1050. No scratches on any of them as far as I can tell and no dead pixels, taken care of well less than a year old.

Will sell all three for $300 + shipping via eBay if anyone is interested. Paid $750 for the 3 new from Costco I think it was.


Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 14 Sep 2009, 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Anyone looking for triple 22" monitors? (Sale)

Woah woah woah. Woah.

300 dollars each? Or together? This is important information.

Author:  [email protected] [ 15 Sep 2009, 00:24 ]
Post subject:  Anyone looking for triple 22" monitors? (Sale)

Can you ship to Canada at that price?

Author:  L2Phantom [ 15 Sep 2009, 04:31 ]
Post subject:  Anyone looking for triple 22" monitors? (Sale)

I'm selling for $300 altogether (for all 3) + shipping expenses (whatever that is for the weight of the package).


Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 21 Sep 2009, 09:50 ]
Post subject:  Anyone looking for triple 22" monitors? (Sale)

I want! :D

I figured it would be 10 years before I found a good deal on 3 matching monitors so I could go surround, but this deal is too good to pass up!

I'll send you a PM.

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