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 Post subject: Quick Help please!
PostPosted: 29 Jul 2009, 04:04 

Joined: 29 Jul 2009, 03:52
Posts: 4
First of all, hello I'm new on the TH2Go train and any help I could get would be welcome.

I just can't seem to get 5040x1080 working on my setup and that's the problem. I'm running Windows 7 RC 7100 x64 with a 7900GTX, which should soon be replaced with a 295GTX (ordered) and 3 Samsung SM 2443BW 24" monitors (checked here on the forum, and saw that they work flawlessly).

I tried most Windowns 7 and Vista x64 display drivers but no luck. I upgraded the firmware on the TH2Go, still Powerdesk won't show me 3x1680x1050 as an option. The older PowerDesk Se says it's not supported. Creating the custom ressolution in the nvidia control panel doesn't work either.

So I'm playing with settings this for 2 days now and can't seem to find the sweetspot and I've almost given up, 4080x768 just doesn't look good enough. I've read a lot here on the forums, but ofc I can't read everything.

Now if you can tell me what OS, which drivers and such should I use to finally be able to enjoy 5040x1050 on my set-up, I'd be very happy.

I can downgrade to Vista x64 & XP PRO x64 if needed (no problem).

Thanks for your time.


 Post subject: Quick Help please!
PostPosted: 29 Jul 2009, 04:22 
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Joined: 13 Oct 2003, 05:00
Posts: 7358
The compatibility tool on the Matrox site says the max res on your 7900GTX is 3840x1024 - http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/support/compatibility/gxm/

They don't have Win7, so I used Vista x64 in the wizard.

Once you get your GTX295, you will need to use the 182.50 drivers from NVIDIA. All later models have a problem with custom resolutions on a 200-series card in Vista or 7. Some people still report difficulties in Win7 (I couldn't get it to work). But Vista should be no problem.

 Post subject: Quick Help please!
PostPosted: 29 Jul 2009, 04:34 

Joined: 29 Jul 2009, 03:52
Posts: 4
Thanks a lot!

Yeah I'm ashamed, I just scanned the Matrox site again and found that compatibility tools too. Once again I'm to quick to ask without doing my research.

However as said, thanks a lot for the fast reply!

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