Widescreen Gaming Forum

Matrox no help
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Author:  HereIam [ 28 Jul 2009, 06:49 ]
Post subject:  Matrox no help

I have been trying for assistance from Matrox, on setting up my brand new registered triplehead2go that I purchased from a legitimate sales company.
Matrox will only tell me that they do not support Window 7. I am not looking for support on windows7, I am only trying to get back the old version of power desk before I upgraded to Power desk SE. Seems that giving them control of the unit via USB may not necessarily be a good thing.
If you buy a new unit and it does not come with Power desk SE but rather Power desk. Beware of upgrading to SE as you may not be able to access the power desk. Though it may list in your programs you may not be able to open it. As is the case with me.
The resolution 3840X1024 that you previously had in power desk may also be lost.
This may be an insight as to why there are so many tripleheads2go selling on EBAY

Author:  skipclarke [ 28 Jul 2009, 17:45 ]
Post subject:  Matrox no help

The previous beta version still worked for everyone I know with either Vista or XP. We still host a copy. You can get it here:


Author:  HereIam [ 28 Jul 2009, 20:58 ]
Post subject:  Matrox no help

Thanks Ibrin,
No the beta driver didn't make a difference.
I am guessing that something Matrox downloaded to my unit caused it to not work with windows 7 any longer. After all It would be egg on their face if some of us had it working with windows7 after they announced they don't support it.
I am sending the unit back for exchange and see if I can once again make it work as I had it with 3840x1024. this time I will not register it or update any software.

Author:  skipclarke [ 28 Jul 2009, 21:10 ]
Post subject:  Matrox no help

I never had 5040x1050 working in Win7. I had 3840x1024 working fine.

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