Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO
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Author:  iwik [ 21 Apr 2009, 20:41 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO

Hi Guys,
I now have my th2go and very serious about purchasing 3 Dell 2209wA
LCD monitors.To those that dont know these are the E-IPS type.Supposed to better than the TN type.
Want to know those that have got this combination what they think.
I am a bit concerned re the Bezel depth(8mm) and how distracting the
buttons are when you put three monitors together.Any comments would be much appreciated before i purchase.My major use is in my Sim.

Author:  Jack Beauregard [ 22 Apr 2009, 20:37 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO


I have 3 2209wa on my home, so for the bezel, you can setup it with the bezel setup of the Matrox GMX cd.

Author:  iwik [ 23 Apr 2009, 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO

Hi Jack,
Thanks for replying.What i referring to about the Bezel was the plastic that surrounds the LCD screen.This is quite thick(8mm) deep compared to other monitors.Do you find this affects the display very much.
Also with the buttons down the right side , do you find these spoil the view when you have all three lined up together.Your comments would be gratefully appreciated.I look forward to your comments before i purchase
Thanks again

Author:  Jack Beauregard [ 23 Apr 2009, 15:49 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO


I have made a few test on my home, for have the more little border.

You can put your left and right just a few centimeter behind the center one for have just one border, and just after you can make the good setup with the bezel manager.

My only problem, is i am a little sick on the FPS games when for exemple i run or drive fast on GTA4 ^^.

The bottons is fine for me.

Author:  iwik [ 23 Apr 2009, 20:05 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO

Thanks Jack

Author:  iwik [ 24 Apr 2009, 10:40 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO

Hi Jack,
Can you tell me how wide the case strip on each side of the Lcd screen.
That is the distance between the LCD screen and edge of the case.

Author:  Tommy Trauma [ 10 Jun 2009, 15:59 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO

iwik, how are the working? I just ordered the exact same lcd's this morning.

Author:  mixfloors [ 13 Jun 2009, 01:26 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO

oooooh, Off subject I know, Pics of the simcon motion pls Tommy

Author:  iwik [ 13 Jun 2009, 11:46 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO

Hi tommy,
Very pleased with them,no pixel problems with the three i bought.

Author:  Tommy Trauma [ 13 Jun 2009, 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Dell 2209WA LCDs and TH2GO

Thank you iwik, really glad to hear that. Tracking my 3 now, and should be here Monday morning. Thanks

@mixfloors, how about a video link to it instead. The damn thing is a blast. Cant imagine racing without it any more. Planned, cut, and assembled it all, then bought the linear motors and control components from Frex in Japan and bolted them on. Works perfect. Going to be frikkin awesome to strap 3 22"s to it.



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