Widescreen Gaming Forum

Attach TH2Go to new computer, no picture!
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Author:  poppiman [ 27 Feb 2009, 05:29 ]
Post subject:  Attach TH2Go to new computer, no picture!

Hi all, just built a new system that works great. Yesterday I tried to add my TH2Go to it (my video card is the same one used in the old machine) and upon hitting the power button, the computer starts but there is no picture sent to the screens. The TH2Go just gives the red light. I've used the TH2Go for a year without any problems on the old machine, but it doesn't seem to like this new one (even with the same video card).

Where is the best place to search for help?

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 27 Feb 2009, 12:36 ]
Post subject:  Attach TH2Go to new computer, no picture!

Hi, I think you've found the best place :)

What was the desktop resolution on the single screen ? Did you *add* TH2G (i.e connect it to the second port on your graphics card) or replace your single monitor with it on the same output ? And... are you sure you connected the USB power cord to your computer ? ;)

Author:  poppiman [ 28 Feb 2009, 11:30 ]
Post subject:  Attach TH2Go to new computer, no picture!

My screens are 1280x1024. I can attach one screen via DVI to the video card and load windows. The desktop resolution will be 1280x1024. If I turn off the computer, detach the monitor, attach the three monitors to the TH2Go, and attach the TH2Go DVI to the video card (and attach the USB also), and then boot the machine, I get no response from the three monitors. The TH2Go status LED glows red. This is strange since the TH2Go worked fine a couple of months ago on my old computer. (same video card)

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 28 Feb 2009, 13:25 ]
Post subject:  Attach TH2Go to new computer, no picture!

Strange indeed.
Try connecting TH2G to the other DVI port of your graphics card, and to another USB port. If it doesn't help and you can't try on another computer, contact Matrox or your local reseller :(

Author:  poppiman [ 02 Mar 2009, 08:30 ]
Post subject:  Attach TH2Go to new computer, no picture!

Well, I guess I have some good news, though this is quite puzzling. Yesterday when I started the PC, after having done NOTHING to the configuration (hardware or software), the three screens came up and were working. Yay! However I felt like I was on thin ice, and that correct functionality was only a matter of chance. Sure enough, this morning it failed again. So some component must be to blame. :?

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