Widescreen Gaming Forum

Wrong resolution in Vista - Help!
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Author:  Electrix [ 19 Jan 2009, 00:35 ]
Post subject:  Wrong resolution in Vista - Help!

I was working and after a while I rebooted the computer.

When the computer booted up in windows triplehead wasn't supported.
The second and third display was black and the first one was scrambled showing resolution at 1920x571 (!?). When the computer is started the TH2G-D is glowing green but as soon as Windows is booted up (with the scrambled res) the glowing turns to red then orange. Eh?

So now I'm not able to even login to my computer to change the resolution. Right now I'm booted up in Safe Mode but when trying to uninstall Matrox Powerdesk it says that I can't because I'm in Safe Mode (don't remember the exact phrase).

So, the question is;

How do I uninstall the matrox display-driver in Safe Mode and how do I uninstall/reset Matrox Powerdesk?

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 19 Jan 2009, 00:43 ]
Post subject:  Wrong resolution in Vista - Help!

try setting the res to your single screen desktop res in safe mode, sometimes vista remembers that and carries it across to normal mode

Author:  Electrix [ 19 Jan 2009, 00:52 ]
Post subject:  Wrong resolution in Vista - Help!

try setting the res to your single screen desktop res in safe mode, sometimes vista remembers that and carries it across to normal mode

Tried that but it was a no-go.
But I used Driver Sweeper and removed all the Nvidia-drivers/software
so now I'm running in normal mode and have successfully uninstalled Matrox Powerdesk..

I'm gonna reboot and then install latest Nvidia drivers (181.20) to see if it works. Then after that I'm gonna try the latest Matrox Powerdesk.

I'm just wondering what the hell made my Matrox flip like this.. :S

After I installed the new Powerdesk every screen goes "Out of range".
55hz !? What and why did Matrox do this!?

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 19 Jan 2009, 01:30 ]
Post subject:  Wrong resolution in Vista - Help!

Yep you are not the only one having problems with the out of range error on the new PD-SE....possible fixes here:

EDIT: try this thread there is more info, and better presented:

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