Widescreen Gaming Forum

problem with 3x19" + 30"
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Author:  MrCrowley [ 15 Jan 2009, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  problem with 3x19" + 30"


I have 3x19" and just now another 30". Mi graphic card is an 8800ultra with 2xDVI dual-link.

When I try to set 2560x1600 in the 30", th2go reverts to 2400x800 and the big one to 1680x1050 instead 2560x1600. I can set 2560x1600 if I deactivate th2go output. It´s like there is only one dual-link dvi for two outputs, but the graphic card documentation and advertising explicity says that two monitors at 2560x1600 are supported, thanks to the two dual link outputs.

I tried powerstrip and Powerdesk without any results

Any help?

Author:  BHawthorne [ 16 Jan 2009, 04:04 ]
Post subject:  problem with 3x19" + 30"

Very wierd, it should be able to push both.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 16 Jan 2009, 22:02 ]
Post subject:  problem with 3x19" + 30"

I tried the same thing, only with a GTX260. Can't get TH and the 30-incher to work together. Can't use the 30-incher as center screen on the TH. :(

I don't have a clue why it won't work but one thing's for sure, those DVI standards have reached their limits and their theoretical capabilities are nothing to be too confident about. Plus TH2G generally can be so very picky as to what it agrees to do, and what it doesn't :lol:

Author:  MrCrowley [ 16 Jan 2009, 22:33 ]
Post subject:  problem with 3x19" + 30"

Could be aspect ratio related?, being too different could be the reason.

Anyway I expect to test this soon.

Tested with 2x30" working flawlessly (native res). So, is not DVI bandwidth related, but aspect ratio / drivers / whatever.

Thanks anyway for the feedback

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