Widescreen Gaming Forum

Battle of Britain II + TH2Go = no menu on launch
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Author:  pniky [ 13 Jan 2009, 14:13 ]
Post subject:  Battle of Britain II + TH2Go = no menu on launch

Dear Sirs,

I have donne all that Matrox's SGU utility says I should do to be able to play Battle of Britain II: Wings of Victory which they state have native support for widescreen gaming. First, I didn't found one of the options, but after I installed the latest patch for the game [2.06] it appeared, but didn't solved my problem:

- when I launch the game, it's process appears down in the taskbar, but instead of showing the menu on the central display, it shows there only the icons usually on the left display, BUT with the triple-desktop-image horizontally compressed on this single central display.

- my solution now is to launch again the game, and now the menu appears on the central display, and the triple-screen springs to life while in action, after pressing "FLY" button. But this is ugly and untidy.

- the unpleasant part is when I exit the game: the first launch is still lurking in the taskbar and only the central screen is active. To return to normal thre-displays-desktop, I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del and kill the first launch of BoB

I wrote to Matrox's Technical Support and they said they fix only HARDWARE problems [as SGU is not their application and though their responsibility...] and they redirected me here.

I have donne a forum search with "Battle Britain" but I found only Paddy the Wak's detailed repport. It helped on patching the game, but didn't had anything related to my issue. He's donne it without my problems. Maybe because I have the Digital Th2Go and he might have the Analog one?

I reposted this topic here, cause only one person answered when posted in "Request/Discuss Widescreen Solutions" and the hint was to post here.

Please, anyone any hint?!?

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 13 Jan 2009, 21:41 ]
Post subject:  Battle of Britain II + TH2Go = no menu on launch

What res are you running it at? have you tried 3x1280x1024?

Author:  pniky [ 14 Jan 2009, 08:02 ]
Post subject:  Battle of Britain II + TH2Go = no menu on launch

I am using a 3x1024x768 resolution cause of a software compatibility for an older hardware piece in my machine.

It's a surveillance camera capture card and it's software is not adapted for large fonts - it throws some push-buttons out of the displaying [and thus clickable...] area.

Author:  pniky [ 09 Jul 2009, 09:54 ]
Post subject:  Battle of Britain II + TH2Go = no menu on launch


Soon it will be a year... No one with at least a small shred of an ideea?!?

Author:  pniky [ 09 Jul 2010, 15:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Britain II + TH2Go = no menu on launch

Still no way to launch BoBII on TH2go except launching once, and than again asi I previously said. But now I have a TrackIR5 and on the game - as i launch it - it doesn't let me tick the option of using TrackIR. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!


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