Widescreen Gaming Forum

DTH2Go connection issues with DVI-D and D-Sub
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Author:  VentZero [ 16 Aug 2008, 03:56 ]
Post subject:  DTH2Go connection issues with DVI-D and D-Sub

Hi !

iam about to buy a DTH2Go and 3TFTs but i have a simple question which hasnt been answered yet:

which disadvantages may occur in this case -> the DTH2Go is connected via duallink cable to the GFX card but via normal VGA cable to the TFT screens(they support only DSub) ? will i still be able to use any resolution available?

thx vent[0]

Author:  MatroxRulez [ 16 Aug 2008, 11:47 ]
Post subject:  DTH2Go connection issues with DVI-D and D-Sub


There shouldn't be any disadvantages in terms of supported resolutions. You may lose just a little bit of sharpness in the image quality compared to fully digital signal, but probably it'll be very difficult to see the difference. Even with TripleHead2Go Analog Edition the image quality is very good, once you've done automatic image and phase adjustment with your monitors.

In any case, you'll have to buy DVI-to-VGA adapters. They are not included in the TripleHead2Go retail box.

Author:  VentZero [ 16 Aug 2008, 15:56 ]
Post subject:  DTH2Go connection issues with DVI-D and D-Sub

ok thanks =)

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