Widescreen Gaming Forum

Ergotron LX Triple Monitor Stand
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Author:  parawizard [ 10 Aug 2008, 00:41 ]
Post subject:  Ergotron LX Triple Monitor Stand


Once again I'm looking at stands cause of the new TH resolutions! I'd rather use a pair of LX Arms, 1 double 1 single then the triple stand but I own a glass desk! Without rigging up some sort of mod to my desk to allow them to clamp on I'm stuck with stands!

Are there any new stands out there to look for...

Ergotron LX Triple

Anyone rig something up to put LX Arms on a desk?

My monitors are 20" LG 206WTQs 8)

Author:  parawizard [ 15 Aug 2008, 14:10 ]
Post subject:  Ergotron LX Triple Monitor Stand

Let me rephrase that...

Anyone seen any new triple monitor stands? And has anyone mounted LX arms on a glass desk?

Author:  skipclarke [ 15 Aug 2008, 14:42 ]
Post subject:  Ergotron LX Triple Monitor Stand

We have this:


Author:  [email protected] [ 15 Aug 2008, 19:31 ]
Post subject:  Ergotron LX Triple Monitor Stand

Look up donz, their site is outdated but they do great custom work.

Author:  WaveZtream [ 15 Aug 2008, 21:25 ]
Post subject:  Ergotron LX Triple Monitor Stand

Well I have been looking for a good stand for 3x 22 inch monitors but the DS100 isn't good enough. And the LX Triple Lift Stand can't take 3x22 inch :/

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 16 Aug 2008, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Ergotron LX Triple Monitor Stand

I'd like one that does 3 24" but I think I'll have to make it myself!

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