Yes sir!!
Your perceptions are absolutely correct. 5040x1050 did not work for us in the past except with Nvidia 182.50 drivers.
Countless hours of trial and error, reading other people's post of success and failures only to find that you too have stumbled and
fallen victim to the all night mountain dew search for the holy grail cup of endless restarts and black screens that have plagued this
forum. Research late into the night wishing you had bought the other guy's computer gear so you too could press on with just a
simple Batman Arkham Asylum game fighting Poison Ivy in all of her glory. Victory comes to those who have crawled through the trenches of
switching to the beta powerdesk and old drivers only to find that your reprogramming of the brand new 22" monitors you just shelled out
$800.00 for make you feel like you flushed your money to the "I got to have this triple screen stuff now" gods after your wife who almost left
you over it told you not to since the children need food for tomorrow nights dinner. You felt the anguish of almost making it to the top of the
mountain only to find it was a volcano which was now erupting. Yes JohnnyG, you are but a bystander in this quest but there is help for you!!
Yes JohnnyG, you have come to the forum of enlightenment where you too can find your true self and live side by side amongst those who shed
their sweat and tears in this forum to attain the pinnacle of achievement, the 5040x1050. Yes JohnnyG we can help you, but first you must
delete your old drivers, restore your resolution and be at peace with your Aero in full resolution. May the spirit of Matrox be with you.
Poetry dude, so so true :)