Ultramon is worth a try
geniv2 thank you for your comprehensive reply. That is an important contribution. No worries for taking your time!
If you plan on getting 3x 1680x1050 monitors then I still think there is no need for separating the monitors.
geniv2 has given us good reasons why even with 3 x 1680 x 1050, for work, ultramon (with direct-to-card setup/"independant monitors") is superior to PowerDesk and/or Gridmove (with DTH2G). Reasons, that is, to show that without ultramon you should want to perform street abortions or engage in scat play whilst on safari.
The taskbar ID rectangle placement feature does seem, alone, a killer feature.
Note that gridmove does not have these type advanced windows management features...
GridMove: The advantage I've seen with GridMove is that it allows me to set up my own custom screen areas to snap windows to. It also works with simple mouse commands or hotkeys. It only does one thing but it does it very well.
Mach1.9pants are you convinced enough to try Ultramon? :)
Perhaps someone could come up with counterarguments to show how you can get all of, or most of, the functions that geniv2 describes with a purely DTH2G setup. That would be welcome. However, even if those counterarguments were successful at the very least geniv2 has shown me that it is desirable to keep open the option to go direct-to-card (in addition to DTH2G), to experiment with Ultramon for myself.
I'm now back to throwing a second graphics card into my shopping list. Therefore the original issue of how best have both DTH2G and direct-to-card setups remain. I'd like, therefore, to bump these set of questions:
Avoiding analog connections altogether
JKeefe suggests a way out of this analog V digital issue: just get a monitor with both inputs that are DVI. If someone can point to a good 20" (or 22") LCD monitor with two DVI ports, that'd be appreciated.
However, there are none on the Master Monitor list. The listed 20" or 22" monitors mostly come with a DVI and a VGA port.
genvi2 added a twist to this ...
[the new 24" monitor] has DVI/HDMI/Analog. my connection and setup is still the same but just replaced the analog vga connection to the monitors with a HDMI connection.... I have digital quality for both work and play.
So I'll look out for a monitor with a HDMI input. This might be difficult in my case as I'm currently aiming at 3 X 20" widescreens. These models are rather old school so unlikely to have HDMI.
A second possible way to avoid analog connections might be to fit a double adapter to the monitor's DVI input. Do these exist? Isn't the whole point of the "Dual" in "Dual Link DVI" to allow this?
A third possible way to avoid analog connections might be to use some kind of KVM switch? Could that work? Anybody have this kind of setup?
Sticky V wiki
Perhaps, rather than stickying geniv2's valueable post, it might be better to wiki it. Perhpas it would be better if parts of this thread where put into two seperate wiki entries;
* "Setting up TH2G and direct-to-cards"
* Ultramon (via direct-to-cards) V GridMove/Powerdesk (via TH2G).
As a general suggestion I'd say threads are good for debating solutions. Once a consensus has been formed, once collective epiphanies have emerged, then it is time to distal the wisdom into a wiki, minus the scaffold of debate.