wumzi, thanks for your comprehensive 2nd reply.
On the usability of triple wide V triple standard. I might post a separate thread, leading by quoting you.
I did know there was a 3 GB memory limit under a 32 bit OS. I didn't realize this included the Video memory. Is this limit currently a problem though? Are there games or other apps that would bump their heads on, for example, 1 GB main ram and 2 GB video ram? I'm inclined to skip Vista.
In FS, yeah I take the sliders down for about 20 - 25 fps.
Indeed the benefit of SLI (or crossfire) is far from double :)
From my recollection the GTX260 216 core gets a 7% performance benefit. So I'm thinking your comments are still relevant for someone like me who is eying up a GTX260 known to have a quiet stock cooler, yet with the standard 196 shader pixel thingo.