Widescreen Gaming Forum

Windows forced Crimson, broke PLP (FIXED)
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Author:  Thebutcher [ 23 Apr 2016, 21:29 ]
Post subject:  Windows forced Crimson, broke PLP (FIXED)


This morning I awoke to find that Windows has forced the update of Crimson drivers on my Rig.

Unfortunately The latest crimson drivers break bezel compensation for P.L.P.
and in the division, the menu is offset for the curser forcing you to use the keyboard to navigate.

After many,. many attempts at reinstalling, and getting pissed that windows would reboot after a uninstall and driver cleaner with the new crimson interface and broken drivers every time.

I employed the tool "Ultimate Windows Tweaker"

Under the "security and Privacy" tab is an option on the bottom right to "Disable Windows Update Service"

Check the box, and reboot

While this is not ideal, it will buy us time until AMD cures their "cranial rectomitus" and fixes the drivers properly.

After selecting this and rebooting,
uninstalling everything again

I was able to install the old 15.11.1 drivers and I am back up and running

hope this helps someone


Author:  Abram [ 23 Apr 2016, 22:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows forced Crimson, broke PLP (FIXED)

This is why i never leave updates on Automatic.

I recently through through PLP + Crimson woes. Fixed it by setting up everything with last 15.x drivers, then installed 16.3.1 over top, and recently 16.4.1. Everything still working fine.

Author:  Thebutcher [ 11 May 2016, 20:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows forced Crimson, broke PLP (FIXED)

good to know, I will give that a shot

Author:  Thebutcher [ 07 Jun 2016, 19:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Windows forced Crimson, broke PLP (FIXED)

Still having the bezel comp issue with latest driver drop.

When I try to go from 15.11.1 to the latest, the install hangs at 12%

So at this point, I am stuck on 15.11.1 until the fix bezel comp in the new driver

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