Widescreen Gaming Forum

invisible mouse PLP
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Author:  illogique [ 16 Aug 2015, 15:52 ]
Post subject:  invisible mouse PLP

my mouse becoming invisible in game in eyefinity resolution. mouse ok in windows and in single screen resolution. the mouse does move around because i can see button highlight.
win7 + r9 380
latest driver

games with invisible mouse
arma 2
half-life 2
portal 2
battlefield bad company 2
civilization IV
civilization V
xcom enemy unknown
Tropico 4

2 games have a software mouse option and it does make the mouse visible.
Final Fantasy XIV

game that have the mouse without having to set anything
the bureau: xcom
counterstrike global offensive
metro last light
don't starve
wolfenstein the new order
worms revolution

any solution for this? or hope that a driver update will solve that?

related to PLP setup!
1200x1600 + 2560x1600 + 1200x1600

i just try LLL setup and the mouse is visible!

Author:  imusrt [ 19 Aug 2015, 03:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: invisible mouse PLP

1. Have you tested more than one driver? (i.e. latest & previous one)
2. Have you tried mouse utilities? E.g. NoMousy clicked twice to enable mouse. Failing that try PrimaryLock. Likely neither will work, but worth a shot. Find them in "Mouse Fixes" section here http://www.wsgf.org/blog/imusrt/2015/03/19/guide-manual-plp-gaming-instructions
3. Does your mouse work in those games if you use Manual PLP? For example, try Portal 2 (instructions here, Eyefinity OFF):

By the way, thanks for testing R9 380 card for PLP support. It sounds like its PLP works pretty well, but is bit glitchy in your testing.

Author:  MetalRush [ 20 Sep 2015, 13:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: invisible mouse PLP

I have exactly the same issue.
Posted it @ AMD a while ago (https://community.amd.com/thread/183443). No comments/solutions, unfortunately.
Most of the time I play racing games. But the general idea/problem is clear.
I also tried many, many offered solutions (mouse trails off (if on), disabled all Windows eye candy, etc).
Still no solution found.
Funny thing is that I have the same setup: Windows 7, 64 bit, PLP (1 Dell 30" and 2 Dell 20").

I also have to re-enable eyefinity every day. Do you encounter the same problem with that, Illogique?

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