Widescreen Gaming Forum

HD 5870 drivers problem
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Author:  buzz1955 [ 15 Oct 2012, 01:38 ]
Post subject:  HD 5870 drivers problem

Hello my name is buzz1955 and i am new here, i like to do flight similation a lot. I have a problem with ATI catalyst drivers. I have the 11.09 version, but if i want to go 11.10 and up it's not working. I have a black screen, some time the 3 are black and the machine seems to come very slow. Can some one help me.

Here is my configuration:

Processeur Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz, 2800 MHz, 4 cœur(s), 8 processeur(s) logique(s)
Win 7 64 bits
HD5870 with 2 DVI, 1 HDMI and 1 display port output
3 monitors Lenovo with 1 VGA and 1 Display port connection on each.

I connect them this way:
2 monitors are connected DVI to VGA
1 monitor connected Display port to Display port

With the drivers 11.09 i can use eyefinity to make a 3x1 screens with bezel compensation of 5220x1050.

thanks for helping, sorry for my poor english i am french.

Author:  buzz1955 [ 16 Oct 2012, 13:21 ]
Post subject:  humm, seems that nobody can

humm, seems that nobody can help, am i the only one with this problem ????

Author:  ChainMale [ 17 Oct 2012, 00:33 ]
Post subject:  drivers..

Off the top drivers are a bit old.

ATI drivers are at 12.8 currently.

Something else may be going on. Did you change anything else? A slight driver change may not have caused the problem.

Author:  Toonz [ 17 Oct 2012, 00:54 ]
Post subject:  ChainMale is correct - your

ChainMale is correct - your drivers are very much out of date and an overtop driver update is not recommended.

From the info you have provided...

I would suggest to download the latest Catalyst Driver setup (12.8 at present) and manually uninstall your old 11.09 drivers before installing the 12.08 drivers. A restart after removing the 11.09 drivers would be best before installing the latest drivers. Doing it this way minimizes any risk of any remaining Catalyst drivers causing problems and your system will start using the Graphics card with clean settings...

Best of luck

If you reach Windows after 12.08 installation and a reboot, you're left with configuring your Eyefinity...

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