Widescreen Gaming Forum

6970 DCII 6v 5x1 +1 extended, anyone got this working
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Author:  trigen [ 07 Jun 2012, 04:10 ]
Post subject:  6970 DCII 6v 5x1 +1 extended, anyone got this working

As the topic states, has anyone been able to run that 6th monitor together with a 5x1 res, i cant get this working no matter what i do and with recent drivers the card disables itself and reverts to my second card a 5770 instead of giving me a display group.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated as the DCS a10 MFD's are wanting to be exported (fullscreen is out of the question with softth due to Helios needing window)


Edit :

Forgot to add that i'm running a 1p 3x1p 1p Workaround that works well but 5x1 +1 is of course preferred

Author:  Haldi [ 07 Jun 2012, 06:02 ]
Post subject:  IIRC HD6970 can only use 2

IIRC HD6970 can only use 2 *normal* Ports! you have 2 DVI 1 HDMI and 2 Mini DP Ports right ? You can only use 2x DVI and no HDMI or 1x DVI and 1x HDMI.

So are you using 3x1p setup on 6970 +3 on 5770 or what ?

Author:  trigen [ 07 Jun 2012, 08:32 ]
Post subject:  IIRC HD6970 can only use 2

The 6970 DC II has 2x dvi 4x DP and the 5770 2x dvi 1 hdmi and one dp. However i'm only using the secondary card for a couple of touch screens with helios so ignore that card, should have made that clear.

Thing is i can run 6x2l on the main card no problem so i find it a little odd why 5x1P + 1L on the same card shouldn't work but i guess its just another brilliant amd programming feat, thats unless it works for anyone else

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 08 Jun 2012, 18:36 ]
Post subject:  Flip the bios switch, the

Flip the bios switch, the DCUII cards have two profiles. 1 has DL-DVI, SL-DVI, and 3 DP enabled, the other has 2 SL-DVI and 4 DP.
This may be the source of your issue.

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