Widescreen Gaming Forum

Running Eyefinity 3+1 on a 6950
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Author:  zarthrag [ 10 Apr 2012, 00:09 ]
Post subject:  Running Eyefinity 3+1 on a 6950

I am running crossfire 6950 on two sapphire 6950s, unfortunately - only have one displayport, instead of minidp. I'd love to add one more monitor (a 1080p touchscreen to assist in combat flight sims) without getting a new main card. I've seen the zotac splitter....is there STILL no MST adaptor yet??? My 3rd monitor is connected via an active adapter - I'm all out of ports if I expect to keep crossfire going (I can sacrifice it if *required*, but I'd rather not.)

There are supposed to be some new-fangled multistream-transports for displayport, but I don't see em. Is there a way to connect 2 additional monitors via - WITHOUT SPANNING!, or do I have no choice but to get a new maincard or abandon CF? (My card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102954)

Author:  Blevar [ 10 Apr 2012, 01:17 ]
Post subject:  I got similar gpu - Sapphire

I got similar gpu - Sapphire 6950 2GB DiRT 3 Edition.
It should be possible to run even 6 displays with this card... 2 via DVI / HDMI Ports and up to 4 displays via Display port 1.2. However to run more than one display via DP you would either need Monitors compatibile with DP 1.2 or a concentrator with Multi-Stream Technology.
Im not sure if if youll get the another gpu for crossfire you will be able to run forur seprate displays (without concentrator or dp1.2 displays) with crossfire enavbled. Unles youl get the graphic card with 2 mini display ports ... Or any of the ASUS cards with 4 display ports and 2 dvi.

Or you can buy a cheap GPU - and try softth...

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 10 Apr 2012, 01:53 ]
Post subject:  zarthrag wrote: (a 1080p

(a 1080p touchscreen to assist in combat flight sims))

As a flight combat sim fan myself, what sim allows you to do this?

I'm also running a 6950 2GB but don't have DisplayPort monitors to try daisy chaining sorry.

Author:  Haldi [ 10 Apr 2012, 06:51 ]
Post subject:  zarthrag wrote:(a 1080p

(a 1080p touchscreen to assist in combat flight sims) without getting a new main card. I've seen the zotac splitter....is there STILL no MST adaptor yet???

There are no MST Hubs AFAIK!
Even daisychaining Displayport Monitors require two DP on the Monitor! There are like 1 or Two Moniors out there with that Feature!

So i think there is no way around a new Card!

But if you do, Tell us more about that Touchscreen!
I always wanted one, for switching musik or Browsing while Gaming before i had a Logitech G11.
But can't use it in Fullscreen modus while playing because you lose focus ~.~

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