Widescreen Gaming Forum

Need a little help here.. 1 high by 12 wide set up - portrait
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Author:  sem212 [ 24 Feb 2012, 19:28 ]
Post subject:  Need a little help here.. 1 high by 12 wide set up - portrait

Hi everyone..

So I am working on a project and have been reading up on the forums and various other websites. I have 12x Samsung MD230 monitors which are supposed to work well with the Eyefinity setup but only up to 6 monitors. I need to play video full screen across all 12 monitors. My source players can be synced and the video footage cut in half so I am operating 2 independent systems yet the video will remain in sync. The issue with this route is that I really need bezel compensation on all seams/borders and if I use 2 independent systems I will wind up with no bezel compensation right down the middle correct?

I am also unsure of which video card(s) would be best as well as the other aspects of the system (thinking faster i7 should do it with 6gb ram)

I was hoping to get the thoughts and recommendations of some people well versed in these configurations (you all!)

My budget for the PC hardware is roughly $2500 per computer or $5000 to make this all happen which from what Ive read seems reasonable.

Thanks in advance.


Author:  sem212 [ 24 Feb 2012, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Also thought I should note

Also thought I should note this project needs to be done within the next few weeks so I am looking for a card that is available now or in the very very near future.

I am searching for cards and I see many with just 2 DP outputs, an HDMI and a DVI.

Wouldnt I want a card with 6 DP outputs? Rather than using an HDMI to DVI adapter, a DVI cable, and 2 DP adapters to split to 4 monitors (not even sure which adapter would do this for me)? Would I take a performance hit if I split out the DP outputs rather than having independent outputs?

Author:  Delphium [ 24 Feb 2012, 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Hi, You may find this

Hi, :Welcome

You may find this thread of some use to you...


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