Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity Issue and Questions
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Author:  stolid [ 22 Dec 2010, 08:00 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity Issue and Questions

I hope this isn't a question overload, but I'll ask all 3 here:

1. I can't seem to get bezel compensation to work. I have 3 identical monitors and it does indeed let me configure the bezel compensation, but afterward (right after I click the checkmark button in bezel compensation thing) it reverts to a single display with the other disabled (and also at a really low resolution). Any ideas?

I'm running Catalyst 10.12 and my monitors are 3 Acer V193w's. (Currently using just 2 monitors while the DP adapter is in the mail.)

Edit: Questions 2 and 3 solved.

2. I ordered a Sapphire active displayport-DVI adapter, and apparently these 3 monitors are VGA (no DVI outputs). Will a simple DVI-VGA adapter work plugged into the displayport adapter?
Apparently not. Ignore this question.

3. How do you work with presets in CCC? I can create plenty of them, but how do I edit one? I want a preset for eyefinity and one for extended mode. Edit: These presets are kinda working, but it still is confusing me a lot.
Got it.

Author:  BoMeR [ 22 Dec 2010, 20:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity Issue and Questions

3. How do you work with presets in CCC? I can create plenty of them, but how do I edit one? I want a preset for eyefinity and one for extended mode. Edit: These presets are kinda working, but it still is confusing me a lot.

Presets are called profiles in CCC. You create the settings you like and then you save them to a profile. It's really nice switching between eyefinity and extended mode. Set the monitors up the way you like them then save the profile as EYEFINITY or Extended. When you save the profile just change the monitors to either extended or eyefinity and save THOSE settings under a new profile.

Hope this helps!

Author:  stolid [ 22 Dec 2010, 22:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity Issue and Questions

I tried the active displayport adapter and then a dvi-vga adapter, and the combination wouldn't work. The monitor doesn't see a signal at all and CCC doesn't see the monitor. I just ordered a displayport to vga adapter which will hopefully work. :?

Thanks, BoMeR. It's a bit weird to go about it that way (can only do new, not edit), but it's easy enough.

All I need now is just to figure out why it messes up the eyefinity group after configuring bezel compensation...

Author:  stolid [ 24 Dec 2010, 08:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity Issue and Questions

I can't seem to get bezel compensation to work. I have 3 identical monitors and it does indeed let me configure the bezel compensation, but afterward (right after I click the checkmark button in bezel compensation thing) it reverts to a single display with the other disabled (and also at a really low resolution). Any ideas?
This still happens, so I just load a preset from before the bezel compensation. The bezel compensated resolution seems to get saved and be available in games. Thanks.

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