Widescreen Gaming Forum

ATI 6870
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Author:  ithrial [ 25 Oct 2010, 04:47 ]
Post subject:  ATI 6870

Just an FYI, my Sapphire 6870 will be here hopefully in the next couple of days. Replaced my GTX 275 as the 260 SLI surround drivers suck. Will be testing Crysis, Dawn of War II, WoW, Dragon Age: Origins, CoD MW1 (and Black Ops when it comes out), Company of Heroes and Blacklight Tango. Any other requests that I might get my hands on?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Oct 2010, 10:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

Just Cause 2, if you've got it?

Author:  ithrial [ 25 Oct 2010, 20:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

Im sure I can get my hands on a copy

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 26 Oct 2010, 10:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

I went looking on Amazon.com to see how much it was in the States, as on Amazon.co.uk, last time I checked, it was £8 or something crazy like that. $38. Ouch.

Author:  ithrial [ 28 Oct 2010, 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

Got my card in yesterday - ran the 3DMark06 - that one card beat out my 2 GTx 275s - also has a higher windows 7 rating. Bad thing is that I didnt think I was gonna need a DP adapter so I didnt get one. Then I went to best buy and picked up one of the apple Mini-DP to DVI passive - no go their either. Even though there are 4 separate clocks (DL-DVI/HDMI, SL-DVI, DP,DP) you still have to have that extra power to even use the DP extended - so Accell got my $36 last night and i'll be getting a mini-DP to SL-DVI active display, good thing I only have 19" monitors. As soon as I get that in, I will be testing if I can mix and match my 6870 with my 9800GT for another monitor and PhysX.

Author:  ithrial [ 30 Oct 2010, 22:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

WoW = amazing FPS even in dalara
Bioshock = Amazing
Oblivion - amazin
Hawx 2 Benchmark @ 3840x1024 + bezel adjustments - all settings high with x4 AA and Direct X 11 TT - avg 58 fps with max @ 78
Dragon Age Origins - looks great - converstation options were in the middle of the bezels though so that was annoying

more tests to come

Author:  Dave Baumann [ 31 Oct 2010, 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

Even though there are 4 separate clocks (DL-DVI/HDMI, SL-DVI, DP,DP) you still have to have that extra power to even use the DP extended...

Not sure what you mean there, but fundamentally, in terms of the display clock sources HD 6000 is the same as HD 5000; there are two sources for legacy devices and one source for DP (which can be shared accross multiple DP outputs).

Author:  01Boxer [ 31 Oct 2010, 17:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

[quote]Even though there are 4 separate clocks (DL-DVI/HDMI, SL-DVI, DP,DP) you still have to have that extra power to even use the DP extended...

Not sure what you mean there, but fundamentally, in terms of the display clock sources HD 6000 is the same as HD 5000; there are two sources for legacy devices and one source for DP (which can be shared accross multiple DP outputs).

Does the HD 6000 support bezel compensation with different brands of monitors at the same resolution?

Author:  Carnage [ 01 Nov 2010, 00:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

Were you running in Ultra settings in Dalaran ?

I'm currently running a Sapphire 5850 1Gb Toxic, and considering a 6870 Crossfire setup. To buy the same 5850 to Crossfire now, the cards are still expensive ($400) compared to the shiny new price point of the 6870 ($300 each). I am just finding that the 5850 is being pushed to it's limits in 3:1 Eyefinity (6080x1080 bezel compensated), and wondering if anyone knows if WoW actually benefits in performance from a Crossfire 6870 setup. The "official" Blizzard line is "WoW supports Crossfire, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will see a performance increase" which is slightly disconcerting.

Any suggestions or thoughts would be most welcome.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 01 Nov 2010, 05:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: ATI 6870

Were you running in Ultra settings in Dalaran ?

I'm currently running a Sapphire 5850 1Gb Toxic, and considering a 6870 Crossfire setup. To buy the same 5850 to Crossfire now, the cards are still expensive ($400) compared to the shiny new price point of the 6870 ($300 each). I am just finding that the 5850 is being pushed to it's limits in 3:1 Eyefinity (6080x1080 bezel compensated), and wondering if anyone knows if WoW actually benefits in performance from a Crossfire 6870 setup. The "official" Blizzard line is "WoW supports Crossfire, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will see a performance increase" which is slightly disconcerting.

Any suggestions or thoughts would be most welcome.

Wow for the most part is cpu rendered. I know that will change somewhat in cataclysm. So really, you wont see a performance bump now, but later? Maybe.

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